Featured Plugin, March 13, 2003.
Featured Plugin, March 13, 2003.A smooth opengl visualisation plugin.
I've tested this plugin on some groovy sounds from guys like guardner, LTJ Bukem,Air and lots of music artist.
I Haven't tried it on pop or hardrock music, since i don't listen to taht rubbish.
Mini Requierment to be spaced out :
process: 1Ghz+ and a good geforce3 or better.
please leave your message under this mail address : [email protected]
March 13, 2003 by mehdi hambli | 65247 downloads |

Staff review
Tight visuals... missing some functionality thoThe visuals themselves look really good...smooth and responsive. However, it doesn't appear that there is any control over switching presets...which is very limiting and makes for a serious drop in functionality. Hopefully there will be prev/next visual hotkeys for a future version (please indicate if I'm missing something with the current version); this looks to be a very nice visual plugin, just missing a couple key features.
cntrl-alt-dlt to escape this - not xp friendly and sluggish as hell...had to hotkey to get out of it - April 27, 2005 by phil d
Unstable - Trying to run this plugin crashes my system. Poorly written. - August 30, 2003 by Arch Angel
nice plugin - I like this plugin,I think It's a good one wich is on development.I checked out the home site and I think I'm really waiting for the next release.I hope it will be here soon. Good Job - April 26, 2003 by carl_m motera
Well..... - Quite overated if you ask me.....Shoulda try harder next time - April 19, 2003 by fabrice fabrice
nice - It's not bad - not stunning either but I'm sure it will be developed. Visually good but functionally limited. Fullscreen option isn't really fullscreen - can still see the titlebar and taskbar. - March 23, 2003 by Adam Shailer
Trippy as hell!! - man... i am just baked (lol) and this guy sent this to me, and this is the trippiest thing i have ever seen. lol ok well maybe not trippiest.. but it is pretty phat!! wicked graphics, nice textures.. really nice visuals! only thing is the load time, and the high performance need :P i give it 5 stars!!! - March 7, 2003 by Brandon Pley
eigentlich 4,5 (Rating) - obwohl nicht alles bei mir optimal lauft (schwaches Hardware) bin ich sehr beeindruckt: BRAVO! hab 5 gegeben in der Hoffnung eine bessere Version (bedienungsfreundlicher) runterfallen zu konnen ;) - February 26, 2003 by Me Against U
MJay - One of new art of refreshing visuals - February 25, 2003 by mehdi hambli
Amazing Effects - Wow really amazing Plugin with its sparkling FX and all those lightning FX I really like it and believe me folks its one of the best Plugins ever made for Winamp And who need key features :D - February 25, 2003 by Marc Zacharias
Incredible ! - An amazing plugin, great graphics and FX - I really recommend getting this plugin. There is one (minor) drawback though; a pretty big loading time - overall I really like this plugin. - February 25, 2003 by Jorn Stuitje