Experimental Direct3D stuff
Experimental Direct3D stuffThe only reason for making this crap was that I didn't want to throw out some formerly (even in 1999!) written code. Done just for my own pleasure, do NOT take it seriously!
Download visualizationJune 14, 2001 by �ron Gomb�s | 63882 downloads |

Staff review
Lino VisualsDecent 3d visuals here... definitely looks like the start of something really nice. As the author states, it is not to be taken too seriously, but, with some more work it looks like it can become a solid visual plug-in.
Thing doesn't even work - boy, a flashing blank blue screen....that's entertainment! NOT! - December 30, 2002 by Nathan Smith
hmm, where's the new version? - As soon as I'll finish my exams, I'll finish "Lino" with better sync, new effects, bugfixes & such. i think ur exams are long finished, right ? - November 12, 2001 by trip intospace
Be patient until the next reference release - I'm very now with working, studying & listening to jazz music. :) As soon as I'll finish my exams, I'll finish "Lino" with better sync, new effects, bugfixes & such. Thanks for downloading! - June 15, 2001 by �ron Gomb�s