My first AVS presets
My first AVS presetsThese are the best of the first AVS presets I made
Download visualizationJanuary 4, 2002 by Koen Rutten | 7589 downloads |
Staff review
Very original presetsThis collection is definitely worth checking out... very different styles here. Some of them could use a little more attention to color...but, other than that, these are interesting visuals.
Wow - I really like 'desintregating planet', i can look for houres at it... - January 11, 2002 by Koen Rutten
Good stuff - I really have to say that you really can handle Superscopes. Very good pack but you could throw couple presets away. - January 9, 2002 by Janne Kayhko
Very Good - These are very good, original presets. I especially like water clock and fire dance - January 6, 2002 by Coll Dawg
Cool - Prett cool for only 45k! - January 5, 2002 by Teodorescu Mircea