Winamp Heritage - Legacy resources of Winamp media player
> > AVS Presets

JC5 BustasFeudalDoggyTreats ReP

JaY Collection 5

JaY Collection 5

My new collection-again 100 presets.I just love playing with this program-there is no finishing of the variety of stuff you can make with it...

Download visualization

June 14, 2001 by JaY FaTBoY156709 downloads

JC5 BustasFeudalDoggyTreats ReP - JaY Collection 5

Staff review


Wow...these are very impressive visuals. And the collection itself is fairly large.... 5 different packs filled with diverse styles of presets. Definitely download these. -dg


No sir, I didn't like it! - Nothing too wrong with this, just that ive seen better presets than this. - August 6, 2001 by t e

Man, this rules! - Can't say anything xept download these! - July 25, 2001 by Stefan Ekehaug

Bellissimi - Nothing left to say, 5 stars all the way :-) Solid, solid work ;-) - July 9, 2001 by Fabrizio Cattaneo

5 starzzzzzzz - buh? - June 27, 2001 by victor hoang

Nice 'n' tight Presets - Nice work my friend, very nice indeed. Peace. - June 23, 2001 by Zen-X (Liam McLaughlin)

Poeplucht - Very good AVS presets! The best i found on this website - June 23, 2001 by Joost de Meij

Kick Ass - Awesome...5 Stars all the way!!***** - June 19, 2001 by Brian G

Me too for you - 5*5*5*5*5*5 - June 18, 2001 by Tonic (Yordan Vulchev)

Giving you some credit - Many good presets here. Very stylish.... Good Job Man!!! - June 18, 2001 by Michael Jonathan Evelyn

Download the best, And enjoy like the rest. - Hey, all the stupid guys, who are bringing down the status of all the great plugins should be banned. How can anyone not like this? That's real stupid. You SHOULD enjoy this great plugin - it's worth doing it. - June 18, 2001 by Borislav Gerassimov
