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> > AVS Presets

JanzkuAVSPack V5

The pack has been available at devart for a few months already, but now you can get it here too. P.S, includes some 3d..

The pack has been available at devart for a few months already, but now you can get it here too. P.S, includes some 3d..

In advice of Nemoorange, I tried to create something new, hope I succeeded in it.

Download visualization

January 25, 2002 by jDm (janzku Da masta)12848 downloads

JanzkuAVSPack V5 - The pack has been available at devart for a few months already, but now you can get it here too. P.S, includes some 3d..

Staff review

Quality presets here...definitely worth the dl

Exceptionally good AVS collection... nice variety and quality all the way thru. Impressive movement... the more you watch, the more interesting they get. Good stuff.


I tried - I hate to give bad ratings, but sincerely, I don't like these presets too much. - May 1, 2002 by beth matos

Just Like... - ... the presets from the 4 stars rating. - March 31, 2002 by li lin

Good! - I think jDm pack 6 is so much better than this one. - March 16, 2002 by tais jardim

I accept the challenge of topping this - Good work man. Finnish flasher's stay committed... Check out my new pack comin' out soon. Don't know what to call it yet, but it'll be good.... ---p3Etu--- - February 25, 2002 by Peetu Coppola

Yes! - I did it, my lifelasting dream, I got 4,5 stars. Thank you! - January 26, 2002 by jDm (janzku Da masta)

Ojoi!! - 4,5 - January 26, 2002 by Janne Kayhko

Word Of Master - I would like to read the opinion of the Masters about Janzku's newest pack. This is my favorite of them all, and this guy really did a 5 stars work. Congratulations! - January 25, 2002 by joaquim jardim
