Highpersonic v1.00
Winamp visualisation plugin using directx
Winamp visualisation plugin using directx3d objects that time themselves to the music and blend from one to the other. Requires a decent PC with a 3d graphics card and directx6. For more information... http://www.highper.fsnet.co.uk/ New for v1.0 - the preferences menu. Ability to change resolution etc..[Reuploaded with working images...]
Download visualizationFebruary 9, 2000 by dominic penfold | 377468 downloads |

Staff review
Outstanding 3D fullscreen visualsHardware compatibility seems a little bit less than perfect, but this one is quite cool. DK: any plug-in with spinning cubes is ok by me
Does not display effect!! - I open it up and it goes through that "H" thing then I see a black screen with the time, the name of the song and author, and the FPS. - July 22, 2003 by DJX
This Sucks - I'm getting an error that i can't even see! On the top i see the name of the vis and it says "DISLPAY HAL" - October 23, 2002 by Jason Ray
Doesn't like Win XP - I had this running on Win98, but the HAL doesn't work on Windows XP at all. It also doesn't work too well on slow old ATI "Rage" chipsets. Not too shabby on Nvidia cards. - January 2, 2002 by Philip Roberts
:))) - VERY,VERY GOOOD.I REALY ENJOY THIS. - July 4, 2001 by Kamen Devedzhiev
Fast plug-in - I like the exploding shells. I would like to see more than three pictures. - July 4, 2001 by Jim Mathis
How Do i put in different pictures?? - I really like this visualization, but like Luis said, it only has 3 pictures. How can i put different ones in there?? I would really be happy if anyone could give me a few pointers. - May 8, 2001 by Ryan Davis
Better than Ph*t*Jam!!! - Dominic, This is an amazing plug-ing... It's a pity that it just supports 3 pictures... I've "violated" some of the rules and sort of "hack" it :) to use my own pictures (really nothing to do with the code but the data, and actually very easy to figure out) and I've created a very nice video for my girlfriend wiht our photos and her favorite song. I've been waiting for the version 1.1 for months (will that be possible??). Anyway, Thanks Dominic. - April 15, 2001 by Luis Tarazona