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Hell hammer plastic

Best presets from HH 1-12

Best presets from HH 1-12

Now when I don't reduce hellhammers anymore, I decided to make a bestof pack to all hh fans. Enjoy

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April 30, 2002 by Janne Kayhko5035 downloads

Hell hammer plastic - Best presets from HH 1-12

Staff review

Best of compilation from the Hell Hammer series

A nice collection of the best presets from the solid Hell Hammer series. It's definitely nice to get all these presets in one collection instead of having to browse between 12 collections. These all come with comments about what they are and what pack they originally came from. A good many of the presets have some updated and additional tweakings. A worthwhile collection to download, and a very good choice for fans of the series.


A Must! - If you are a serious avs collector, you can't lose the Hell Hammer's greatest hits! - May 4, 2002 by reynaldo paes

Top Collection! - Here it is one of my favorites pack, finally released here at Winamp. I've been following the author's work since the very begining, and this pack brings his greatest presets! No doubt, five stars! - April 30, 2002 by joaquim jardim
