Hell hammer 11
Hell hammer serie continues.....
Hell hammer serie continues.....Tried to make cool looking "simple" presets but they turned quite complicated after all.but anyway dl and enjoy
Download visualizationMarch 11, 2002 by Janne Kayhko | 4478 downloads |
Staff review
Nice addition to the Hell Hammer seriesFairly large and impressive collection here... definitely enough smooth visuals to keep your eyes satisfied for good amounts of time. 'Venom' and 'Nemesis' are a couple that really stood out in my opinion... quality all the way through tho...definitely worth checking out.
11 Stars! - I could not resist to submit a review just to give 5 stars to this beauttiul presets. - March 13, 2002 by tais jardim
Danger! - Hi Janne! You know that I admire your work since the very beggining. I have all your 11 packs. But if this Umberto Sanchez gave you 5 stars, something might be wrong. We can tell from his reviews that he don't have any sensibility when avs is the matter. He's just another Janne Manne.Anyway here it goes your 5 stars, that you deserve with no doubt. - March 13, 2002 by joaquim jardim
i like them - some cool shit - March 11, 2002 by Umberto Sanchez