Winamp Heritage - Legacy resources of Winamp media player
> > AVS Presets


P3 Vis Comica


3rd pack!
20 original presets
1 remix by framesofreality
1 remix by me of ASD5A

made some improvements following suggestions from people on the DA-release [esp. denkensief?rsich and Pak-9]
have fun!

previous 2 [more noobish] packs and other stuff available from:

Download visualization

May 20, 2006 by Grandchild 23895 downloads

Grandchild - P3 Vis Comica - none

Staff review

A very good pack, no doubt about it.

But I'm still having doubts about the rating. It's a 4.25 pack. There are some great presets in here, clearly worth downloading, but, despite numerous revisions there are still some presets that drop the quality of the pack significantly. There are great presets, no doubt about it, omegawd!..., Champagne Reminder, This way..., Prey, and frames' mix of yet another come to mind first, but, unfortunately, for every one of those there's a preset that's just not all that good. Ah, well. Download it. It's a very good pack in the vein of what the Hungarian AVSers have released before.

