Winamp Heritage - Legacy resources of Winamp media player
> > AVS Presets

Fun With Crayons

Wed. Apr. 26 '06 RESUBMISSION

Wed. Apr. 26 '06 RESUBMISSION

This is a pack of pre-sets. They can be displayed on any PC with a 16-bit adapter and the latest DirectX. I used Pimp Bot 2 1/2.

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May 2, 2006 by David Southerland3414 downloads

Fun With Crayons - Wed. Apr. 26 '06 RESUBMISSION

Staff review

A big newbie(ish) pack.

There are some ok presets in hire, but they're buried under the under average ones. There are some ok ideas in here, and the originality is admittedly bigger than is usual in these packs, but still, there's nothing really in here that catches the eye. Try a bit harder, they're not that bad.

