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Focus II

19 presets for your viewing pleasure.

19 presets for your viewing pleasure.

Yes, here is the second pack in the Focus series. Here you'll find: spaced out swirls, radial mirrors, color fun, puzzling superscopes, and much more... Enjoy this pack, as it took me a while! This pack was featured as Daily Skin on

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May 28, 2002 by David Hansen19580 downloads

Focus II - 19 presets for your viewing pleasure.

Staff review

Very nice collection

Quality acidics to entertain your eyes... pretty much all the visuals here are well done and worth checking out. Some new original styles here as well as some more traditional type presets... makes for a solid download overall.


Bad Ass! I mean TOTALLY SWEET! - These are the best of the best. - June 6, 2002 by Ryan Wiehl

Focus II ! - So finally here it is, the not so new presets from this fantastic avs creator. After our claims, Focus 2 arrives at Winmap. This the kind of work you can't lose. Now how long it will take for Focus 3? - May 29, 2002 by joaquim jardim

4 stars ???? - How this kind of masterpiece can get only 4 stars ?? that's can't be true. This is one of my favourite packs and it should get at least 4,5 stars, I give it 5 - May 29, 2002 by Janne Kayhko

Pleasure! - If you want to give complete pleasure to your eyes, download right now the so long waited Focus II, Hansen's newest masterpiece. (sometimes I just can't understand the staff's rating). - May 28, 2002 by beth matos
