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> > AVS Presets


the best avs presets

the best avs presets

my entire avs presets collection

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June 7, 2002 by guille zapiola4210 downloads

fat32 - the best avs presets

Staff review

Three packs of visuals...overall a solid collection

There are some nice ones here... star bursting kaleidoscope type styles. There are a few basic ones that probably could have been left out, or that could use some more tweaking. But, overall, it's a solid download.


A very good JOB - This is a very good job if you want a really AVS. Congratulations Fatbastard? - June 16, 2002 by blo Schroh

Something For You! - Wow, lots of presets! Not the most complexed ones, but enough to have some fun. Good work! - June 10, 2002 by joaquim jardim
