eXcess 1 02
Featured Plugin.
Featured Plugin.eXcess - the new version 1.02 - just brings you PURE & TASTY music-visualization on your screen!It is very customizable by making own scenes. Share/get the newest scene-collections at www.STND.deIt lets you set a BPM for every song (your ear justs beats every beat-detection algorithm!).needs nothing! (no MMX, no 3D, no DirectX... even runs under NT ;-))New things in V 1.02: More sample-scenes, faster engine...about 5 fps on my machine. Removal of some fatal bugs!
Download visualizationFebruary 1, 2003 by Nikias Klohr | 368302 downloads |

Staff review
eXcess 1 visual plug-inThis is a very nice visual plug-in. Nice patterns and movements... original styles. The best part of this is how configurable it is... you can pretty much customize everything...right on down to programming your own hotkeys. You can also download new scene collections to keep it fresh. The collection it comes with is rather nice already. Good new toy for visual junkies. New version includes more scenes and a faster engine.
Undemanding but Full Effect - I was looking for a vis that could handle a low power mini-ITX project and this proved easily the best. Even with feeble on board video and a 400 Mhz CPU, this well written and friendly vis gives a smooth and dynamic performance. My congratulations and thanks to the author. - May 10, 2006 by Phil Penney
Privet from Russia! - ? aoao ie?aou ia ?ai?i ycue?. ?oi ?eacaou? I?iei?ie iea?ei e Aeiaiio, ii? iii?aaee?y. Ii ii? au iieo?eou a?? 5 ca?ca ??ee ecia?a??iey ieaaii eci?iyee?u, a oae ?ia??i aa?? i?iei?i. - February 20, 2003 by Nikolay Gorbunov
Excess 1.02 + Enhancer - The best visualization on this planet (and probably others too)....The combo of Excess...which has the most developed...most interesting...most (AWESOME) EVERYTHING coupled with Enhancer....can make even the least equipped PC's come to life with music...and with a more "quipped" system...all the better...anyone willing to "knowingly" not download this is a complete fool.... - September 29, 2002 by Den Haz
BRAIN CANDY! - Of the 15 or so visualizers I have installed in winamp this one gets played the most. Easy to configure and easy to get completely lost watching. This is the one your friends will notice across the the room. - June 17, 2002 by Brian Fritz
An incredible plugin - I'm glad I found out about this plugin. The scenes and geometry it renders are complex and hypnotizing - it's one of those plugins that you can get lost in for a very, very long time. You can also customize it to behave to your liking. I will make this a staple of the software collection of any computer I own. - June 14, 2002 by Mithun Chaubey
excellent - eXcess is pure gold here. Next to the platinum of Acidspunk, eXcess is one of the best I've come across with visualizations that stay with the beat, change constantly so its not boring, and the colors move! just awesome. need I say more? - May 4, 2002 by Jan Michael
mind blowing - this is the sexiest plugin after g-force - January 6, 2002 by sameer shah
eXcellent !!!! - Is the best "spectrum analyzer", easy to use, fast, with LOTS of pre-made presets. You GOT to have it, you'll love it if you stand 10 minutes with it. - December 19, 2001 by Zareli Man
climax is better - ehh...still waiting for a vis that will top climax - November 19, 2001 by joe schmoe
It's cool, but... - This is a cool plug-in, but it crashes my Winamp constantly! (Win2K, no doubt.) Fix that and it'll probably be a 5 from me. - November 4, 2001 by Nutty Schmo
Oh Yeah! - Just very very good, we all know that already. Just don't spend your time listening to those sick people, that appear in the review's page, once in a while. - November 2, 2001 by joaquim jardim
Not 2 bad but ts not all dat gr8 either - Its nice n pretty but the makers got 2 make an update! it needs 2 recognise the beat insted of u telling it wen it is! it needs 2 b able 2 b made smaller than the current square limit other than that the actual viz is gr8~ - August 15, 2001 by friendlyhacker 1
son of gandalf - fantastic! like a plug-in mood ring!!! coooool! - August 13, 2001 by Richard Leach
Not just good visuals - Excellent graphics. I agree that the response to beat could be stronger but the author does a good job of explaining and compensating. Other authors would do well to look at the controls and interface and make their plugins this easy to use. It is also refresshing to have to use the fps limiter because it runs so fast. - August 8, 2001 by paul edenfield
Perfection - Are you god. cuz i think only god could make a plug in soo good soo perfect... - August 7, 2001 by Vinny Leone
bbbbooooooorrrrrrrrriiinnng - maybe theres sumthin wrong with my comp, this plugins just a kalaidascope!!! theres almost no reaction to the music! - August 7, 2001 by Ben Woodhead
great! - increadibly well written, extreemly configureable and fast, a gem! - August 1, 2001 by drew coggers
eXcess1 - Brilliant, amazing. If you only want one plug-in get this it's sh-t hot! - July 28, 2001 by John Locker
Amazing... - NuffSaid - July 24, 2001 by Chris Nebz
Quality Plug-In - Does what it promises. Little too kaliedascopic for my taste, or else it would have gotten a 5. - July 22, 2001 by John Carbone
prout - c'eest de la merde - July 22, 2001 by charles payen
words from the AUTHOR - the AUTHOR of eXcess: If you think the plugin has crashed try hitting the "c" button to continue playing music...it only shows effects when music is shown..if this is not the problem please contact me at my e-mail address ! PS: by the way why do some stupid people out there give 0 stars and don't say anything about my plugin !? what is it ? There is money behind this...I worked a lot on this...so don't spoil my 5 stars if you don't have a reason !!! - July 21, 2001 by Nikias Klohr
Awsome Graphics... but... - The graphics are vey good, almost adictive, and it has good adaptability. The problem is that it locks up after about 5 or 10 minutes. by the way i'm on WINDOWS ME if it matters - July 21, 2001 by Dale Edmondson
New generation of plug-ins - Download it and check it out. New presets. I never have seen anything like these before. And a realy cool way for beatdetection... detect it yourself and its always the way you want it .... works realy great !! This is new !! :) - July 21, 2001 by Bas M
Ravers Delight - I am alive!! - July 19, 2001 by Simon Edlund
Captain Picard - What can i say except woooow.This plug-in is out of this world - whichever world i'm on just now. - July 18, 2001 by Stephen Kenny
jup, this is great ! - ggrreeaat ! - July 18, 2001 by mail name
********************* - - July 18, 2001 by log in
10 stars - whips the llamas ass ! - July 18, 2001 by hy man
WOW the best of all ! - yes, I do like this plugin ! - July 18, 2001 by how s
wow wow wow - check this out...it really differs ! - July 18, 2001 by hey man
deserves it - hey JONATHAN SERRANO what is you're problem ? why do you spoil this statistics ? - July 18, 2001 by bad badboy
Love It - I love the eXcess 1 visualization. It's been the best so far for me next to the AVS. I'm always going to continue using it, for I've found no better of a visualization plug-in than eXcess 1! - July 16, 2001 by Gary N
Beauty in eXcess! - This is wacky, outragous, and darn right COOL. A must get for anyone. - July 15, 2001 by t-k KILDOG
Cute - well indeed - July 15, 2001 by AC_Milan Forza Milan
WoW! - cOoooOOol ! - July 11, 2001 by SomeOne FromHeaven
excellent - Excellent work. Especially the high customization-level! You can change everything. Another one among the great ones (Geiss, Milkdrop...) - June 28, 2001 by Xrox Park
FreaKY - wow...you outa see this...uuuui - June 28, 2001 by phunki jai
you WILL LIKE it - I'm sure you'll like it! It is different. Not like all these AVS-Presets. Really a top-plugin! - June 28, 2001 by Peter S
*amazed* - this plugin keeps you away from laying down next to your girlfriend :-) - June 28, 2001 by Cool Man
G R E A T - - thats what it is... - June 28, 2001 by Benn Jo