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Evolution of Myself

My first AVS Preset Pack.

My first AVS Preset Pack.

This pack contains 30 presets including the Intro. From the name you can imagine this is the pack to describe my evolution in AVS. To be honest I arranged the presets according to the date of crearion except the Intro. So, from the first preset after the Intro you will see what I was then when I started and from the last preset what I am now (maybe a blockhead as usual). All the coding and textures were created by me,Subhajit Nath.

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August 31, 2006 by Subhajit Nath15813 downloads

Evolution of Myself - My first AVS Preset Pack.

Staff review

The evolution of a talented new AVSer.

From the earliest, newbieish (but pretty good for what they are) presets, to some good, new ones, like "Fishing Net" which is excellent, and the without a doubt the best preset in the pack. This pack just bursts with potential. It has some aesthetical issues though, and some presets look ugly. The quality is quite uneven as well. It's 3.75ish... maybe closer to a 3.5, but I'm in a good mood today...

