Eonic Visualization Plugin
Hallucinogenic OpenGL power
Hallucinogenic OpenGL powersince i can't really use AVS to get chicks at parties, this is what i use ;)the next version is coming soon!
Download visualizationAugust 14, 2000 by Nico Vrouwe | 1118349 downloads |

Staff review
Don't those screenshots look enticing?Well... this plug-in fully lives up to that beautiful collection of screenshots you see there...and even goes beyond. You truly have to see this one in action....amazing beat response...superb transitions...vivrant colors....all in all, a very nice visual/audio experience. You definitely want a 3d accelerator for this one tho...so, for all you that don't have one, add Eonic on your list of reasons to get one. I ran it on a p2 350 with a voodoo 3 and it had me captivated for a good amount of time. Great plug-in... I can't wait for the next version. -dg
Awesome simplicity - Amazing when it came out, looks a little dated now, but still one of my favorite plugins. I got an account on winamp just to review this great plugin.. - November 1, 2007 by matt matt
yes - gooodddddd - July 19, 2006 by seif hemed
Lovely! - because it's not a bloated gross-out sfx iron man, but a very elegent, minimalist, autumnal thing. Lovely. - February 3, 2005 by adam underwood
Nostalgia - I remember when I first started using this plugin on a machine older than Jesus. Man was it sweet, even if I had to use the lowest settings. Cudos! - March 12, 2003 by Johannes Steen
windows ME takes hard anal - to the knobjockey previously commenting who is also blind to the fact --> NOTHING RUNS WELL on WINDOWS ME! you poor lifeform... - June 26, 2002 by lord blackmancer
Just cool! - Hi... If you have ever listen to Tomita : Pictures at an exhibition ... do it again, with this plugin installed. I may sound stupid... but I will try it tomorrow with a beamer on a 4 x 3 meters wall :) - March 11, 2002 by Hans Raaf
more! more!!!!!!! - sweeeeeeeeeeet - February 2, 2002 by Josh Ibach-MacKeen
Stunning - Beautiful images,great beat detection, smooth running, even on my old TNT2, the less customisability the better I reckon. Perhaps not so good with house and techno, but for anything else, this is the dog's bollocks. - January 9, 2002 by Henrik Sj�stedt
Interesting, amusing, has potential - Very pretty, but lacking in customization options. Also, a very powerful video card is required to see it at full effect. On my Voodoo 3 I thought this was a series of slides. Now with a Geforce 3 I am much more impressed. - December 1, 2001 by Colin Summers
Rave no! Floyd YES!! - The beauty of this plug in is that it doesn't try to be all things and fail to be any... it is a great tool to relax and listen to something like floyd... it's like being at the concert with a few too many inside you! :) If you know what Floyd means download this and you'll know what I mean! - October 19, 2001 by Karl B
WOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - This is great! By far the bast visualization plug in I've ever seen. You have to download this! Look, I registered just so I could write a review. It's That good!! I look forward to more creations by Nico. Keep it up! - September 1, 2001 by Zack UWish
Trance-like visualizations - Great trance-like displays of lights swirling around, but only comes in either red or yellow colors (whatever was picked for the particular effect), and can't be changed; can give you a headache after a while, due to the intense shaking, but it's OK - August 24, 2001 by Thomas Jackson
Fantastic - This plugin looks good but you need a good PC and videocard. Else it looks like nothing. - August 15, 2001 by JEDGpro - SteV
Simply Beautiful - Eonic has got to be one of the best looking plugins around. Just make sure you got a decent 3D card. I can't wait for E2... it is going to be outa this world. - July 16, 2001 by Brandon Spencer
Very Nice - It brought back memorys of me tripping back in da old days...uh I mean...It was a very nice and stimulating program...Thank you. - July 9, 2001 by Jarede Ryder
don't - if you want a really nice smooth plug-in you're looking in the wrong place...this thing runs very slow in 32 bit, in 16 bit it looks like s***!! - July 3, 2001 by diverse whatever
this is the shizzzznit - This is so amusing, I don't know who wouldn't like this, this is the coolest thing I've ever seen. It's all gold, and really freakin awesome, and it uses the song title, and you just have to see it yourself. My life is now complete...just try it!!! - June 30, 2001 by Lauren Olesnevich
This is Phucking Awsom - I like the visual effects better than most Acually All - June 28, 2001 by Brandon McKeever
sucks - computer freezes and has to be restarted... just doesnt work - June 23, 2001 by Kristen B
Love IT - It makes my head spin and its the best thing to watch if u want to relax! - June 21, 2001 by Jake Gonciarczyk
This sucks - Hey, this fucking sucks - June 20, 2001 by Jason Decker
"IT REALLY WHIPS THE LLAMAS ASS" - Holy ^$$*?"*(! that was good allthough it would be alot better if it was in fullscreen veiw!!! I used a voodoo III and did not find it bad at all!!! - June 19, 2001 by CHRIS KAVANGH
Almost - Well it is good but how do you change configuration?? - June 12, 2001 by Calvin Farrell
coments - litlle slow - June 7, 2001 by gorg cod
lkg - cool - June 6, 2001 by lorraine greenhow
Mind Blowing ! - This is one of the coolest plugins I ever downloaded. The different atmosphere presets really makes it a kick ass plugin. Have a descent 3D accelerator installed like TNT2 or Voodoo 3+ and it will work like a charm. - June 2, 2001 by Samwan Bin Rob
Suck Me Biatch - u stupid ass mutha f****r can suck my dick this is the stupidest thing i've ever downloaded. from Adnan Mustafa p.s u is a bitch ass hoe - May 22, 2001 by Farhan Rahman
Super - i think it is great - May 19, 2001 by Myron Burton
Amazing, can't wait to see more - Beautiful, but unfortunately, short-lived. I love to see my Rage chip going to good use. Definitely take a look. And hey I have Win2K and it works seamlessly on fullscreen, way better than my AVS sets as a matter of fact. - May 18, 2001 by jor mustermeir
this is sh*it - Not worth a download. runs like a sticky piece of crap down the toilet bowl, especially on win ME. - May 17, 2001 by dip shit
WOW!!!! - this is the coolest plug-in EVA!!! listen to it while playing cradle of filth or slaves on dope or kittie, OR ANY HARD ROCK SONG, IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!!! - jams - May 6, 2001 by Jamie Carter
Big Wheels - TipTop - April 25, 2001 by Pol Metzler
Eonic...unbelievable... - This one is what you want if youre doin your housework with WinAmp pumpin...you come in and the screen is blowin UP!! SWEET work...now Eonic 2 please.....! - April 17, 2001 by Joe Lanning
thank you :) - also, eonic2 is on the way! check www.eonic.org for more details! - April 4, 2001 by Nico Vrouwe
Wow - Very very very nice one. Very original en good effects. Easy to install and runs on a lot of machines, only too bad that it doest have a option for full screen. - March 30, 2001 by Paul Paulus
this is my favorite - i cannot wait for eonic 2. - March 29, 2001 by Justin Gruenberg
one word...... - One word......wow! Also, if he makes an eonic2, i'm totally getting it! - March 29, 2001 by Josh Seifter