Eonic 2
Featured Plugin.
Featured Plugin.Hallucinogenic Direct3D Power^2. After the huge succes of Eonic 1, which was downloaded more than 700.000 times, which makes it one of the world's most popular plugins ever we now bring you Eonic 2. Not twice as good, infinitely better, bigger, badder, more beautiful, bad-ass competition killer, or something ;)UPDATE: v2.1.0 - Windows XP issues solved.
Download visualizationFebruary 1, 2003 by Valerius Coppens | 225175 downloads |

Staff review
Eonic is backAs with the first Eonic, this is most definitely worth downloading... some otherwordly visuals await your attention. This is an extremely relaxing and entrancing visual experience. With different texture sets and other fine configurations, this is sure to satisfy your optical cravings. New version with Windows XP fixes.
Would register but.. - Web links are broken in configuration panel. I'd register it if it supported dual monitor and could get to a link that worked. - February 1, 2006 by Signal 64
>=| - SUX, it makes your WindowsXP freeze what requires to push reset-button. A pluging that isn't even free ain't it worth to threaten my Windows installation. >:[ - March 16, 2003 by Abi S.
Nostalgia revisited - Man! I remember Eonics, started using it way back when it was new. Eonics 2 holds true to Eonics 1, by totally eating resources, but being oh so very pretty to look at. Too bad it's shareware. - March 12, 2003 by Johannes Steen
no cigar... - The preview pictures made me want this vis. so badly, but it only gives errors to me and says that I don't have things that I actually DO have. Good idea, good turn-on.. bad set-down... - February 6, 2003 by kalika mata
Pretty good - It works ok and looks good but my computer is old and slow, If my computer was faster maybe I would like it more, but for now I'll just give it 3 stars.Milkdrop is better. - September 4, 2002 by Charlie F
Enonic 2 - good job a very well done plugin, haven't seen anything better so far. Download this you will not regret it! - June 25, 2002 by Tudor M
OOOOOOOH - Really awesome!! Teh people with teh missin' .dll's are probably downloading this with a download accelerators/resumers and those will some times screw downloads. - May 27, 2002 by Tsuyoshi Suzuki
cool!!! - I like it... mostly I don't like plugin's but this 1 I like, so just download it and you'll see!!!!!! - May 13, 2002 by Giselle Willemsen
Doesn't Work! - I am using XP, in window mode it constantly crashes and it won't even work in full screen, it has a fatal exception error. I have to press the configure button several times. This plugin should not have been released it's extremely unreliable! - May 11, 2002 by Enoch Graphics
^________^ - You have to love this one! It's simply pure energy! And works fine!! I use it while I am doing my home work on my other desk. I listen music and use Eonic's clock to tell me what time is it... Great one! - April 28, 2002 by Tuure Puurunen
If it doesn't work........ - If you can't get the plug-in to work, you might want to try installing Microsoft Directx8. Oh yeah, THIS PLUG-IN RULES! Eonic is my daddy. - April 25, 2002 by Atum Bomb
max - poor, dosen't even work - March 25, 2002 by max querelle
Bad Ass - Its cooler then the 1st!!!!!!!!! - February 28, 2002 by Kasey Steendam
Beautiful - There is no other word for it. This conjured up quite simply the most beautiful images I have ever seen on a computer.I had no hassles installing, so I presume all you need for it to work is DirectX 8. Those of you fuming over Winamp splitting apart after fullscreen, check the box to minimize Winamp when fullscreen is used. I'm not going to give this 5 stars, however, because there is not as much variation as in the first one. True, there are 4 different worlds to explore, but each one has done it's stuff after a minute or so, and then you're just eager to look at the next one. The beauty with the first one was that you could look at it for half an hour without noticing the time go past. Not so here. I hope for the next one, they concentrate on just one setting, and give it plenty of variation. And make it this stunning. Please? - January 31, 2002 by Henrik Sj�stedt
Amazing Visualization - Hi i had just installed eonic 2 and i fliped out!!It's uncomparable with eonic 1 and i am just loosing my mind having it playing!!!That's all folks... Awesome work keep on eonic 3 - January 9, 2002 by Alex Ballas
Oh its good.... very good - What I have a hard time understanding is... why people can sit there and say some of these plugins are shit.... while they might not be great.... this stuff is hard to do. I am a computer science major and I surely couldnt do this stuff... so when everyone can make these plugins then they have the right to say the suck! and thats my piece goodnight! very good plugin by the way... lol - January 6, 2002 by chris Savoldi
um.... - its a great program!!! and for those who are bashing it because they can't get it to install, install directx 8!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they can't include the dll files because its illegal, just because you're too f-cken stupid to get it installed doesn't mean that it sucks, i'd hate to be the developer to deal with this sh-t like you f-cktards - January 5, 2002 by Glenn Kim
Still doesn't work, even though I have DirectX 8.1 - It still doesn't work. It keeps saying something about a fatal error occuring. I even installed DirectX 8.1 so it could run it. But it still doesn't. And to configure it, i have to click the Configure button a bunch of times, just so the configure window comes up. Looks like it is a good plug-in, i just wish you would have debugged it before you made it available to the public. - January 5, 2002 by Artic Dragon192
Dual monitor problems - It looks great on a single setup, but for some reason this doesn't work on my Matrox Millenium G450 dual head card in clone mode (while all my other directx apps work fine). It GPFs like crazy and event the config window is buggered. It's a shame because it would look damn good on a projector at a party, which is my main use for a second monitor. Nice though - January 1, 2002 by Rick Knowles
huuuuuuh - niiiiiiiiiiiiiice - December 25, 2001 by The RaZoR
Kewl, well done =o) - Very nice plugin, runs smoothly, doesn't matter what music I'm playing I don't even hear it 'cos all my attention is drawn to this phat plugin! - November 29, 2001 by Bart aka real(B)art
Eonic 2 - If I can only try it, when I run it , it says "Please re-install" I did, a few times, it also report a file D3D8.dll missing....something is not quite right somewhere - November 28, 2001 by Edmund Tan
download does not work - I downloaded this thing three times, and all three times it told me it was missing an important file. - November 27, 2001 by Liz Spain
It doesn't work... - It crashes like crazy. - November 23, 2001 by Kevin Gadd
Cool - I've been waiting for this moment for a long time - November 23, 2001 by anbola 027
Pretty Good - This is a really nice plug-in, but a not a lot of transitions. Don't get me wrong, it looks sweeeeet, but gets a little boring to watch after a while. - November 22, 2001 by Umair Shahbaz
Feel the music!! - Crazy!! it's too good! this version is MUCH better than the first one! Get it now!! I think you need DirectX8 (http://www.microsoft.com/directx/) and try this: Smoke some weed or tate some mush before looking at it and you'll be AMAZED! ;) - November 22, 2001 by David Morin
G-Force Rulez !!! - Don't even think of downloading this shit. G-Force is a lot better. - November 19, 2001 by Pix Pix
Cool Graphics - Looks great but cant do much with. It has no options to change the look - November 19, 2001 by Anthony Loya
dont download - Yeah, sure, it would be nice if it actually worked! I could do better myself! Try including the DLL files next time, then I might be able to tell you how good it is! - November 18, 2001 by Ben Morton
XP compatible? No. - Tried running this plugin on Windows XP Pro, only get an access violation error, and it cant find my graphics adapter (a GeForce3) when trying to config it, and when I try to run it, it screams "Could not find texture set" This plugin should've been bugtested some more before it were released. Shame on you slutty developers. - November 18, 2001 by Arve Siitonen
Horrible. Doesn't even start up. - Just pops up with a little window telling me that it doesn't work. Woohoo. - November 17, 2001 by Macha Hernandez
ouch... - it burns.Great job.Damn now i need an eyeglassssss... - November 17, 2001 by bahad�r toplug�l
Fantasic plugin - Almost immediatly after downloading this fantastic plugin i've decided to register it! Definitely worth its money for me! - November 16, 2001 by Nico Peelen
Pretty but... - It looks very nice, but nice textures can't hide the lack of movement and variety compared to the original. I want to see it spin and zoom like that did as well as have nice new graphics. Also there's no way I'm going to pay to unlock the registered version as long as the word 'eonic' is plastered over the screen. - November 14, 2001 by Adam Shailer
You need DX8 - Please install DirectX 8 to make it work. You can get it here: http://www.microsoft.com/directx/ Otherwise, if that doesn't work, what dll files does it need? - November 13, 2001 by Valerius Coppens
Doenst even work. - Try including the dll files next time. - November 12, 2001 by Bob Krupa