Winamp Heritage - Legacy resources of Winamp media player
> > AVS Presets

envisions beyond

remixes of and exclusives by duo

remixes of and exclusives by duo

a collection of exclusives by the late duo and remixes of his presets. being one of the greatest avs-artists ever, this is part tribute part best-of. a true artist, to be missed by the scene. for more!

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July 25, 2008 by VISBOT NETWORK63036 downloads

envisions beyond - remixes of and exclusives by duo

Staff review

AVS preset

Untested AVS preset. Try it out and place your comments.


my system found a trojan... now thats a old one *yawnz* - September 15, 2010 by Madd GoddesS

awesome - duo will be missed, this pack is not to be missed! - August 10, 2008 by A Guy called Yathosho
