01/212003... For those of you, who could not run the Discotek plugin after installation: Download the patch file that fi
01/212003... For those of you, who could not run the Discotek plugin after installation: Download the patch file that fiDiscotek is a real time animation creator and player. This version is a demo, showing off some of the capabilities of the software. The visuals were made with the full version, to be released in the near future. The Discotek team also plans to publish more sophisticated visuals, especially for live presentations. Try it and have fun!www.discotek.hu
Download visualizationJanuary 21, 2003 by Zoltan Madai | 87835 downloads |

Staff review
Stunning visual effects.Full screen visuals.
bad news - this vis took a long time to download....then after install.....couldn\'t get it to work.....i got all the good visuals.....this one made me mad enough to review it.....i got xp/2.6 gh proc./radeon graph. card/all new good/.....you ought to check these out before you let them put them on your site - January 23, 2005 by rich wilkins
Megabrutal! - Csaszar! IStencsaszar! Megacsucs! Ultrafasza! A legjobb! The best! Die beste! Hypercool! - January 13, 2003 by Vj Juryj
Developers Comment: - We get informed that on some system the plugin installs correctly, but does not appear in the plugin list of winamp. It occurs randomly andindependently from the OS and DX version. Please inform us, if you detect this error: We need OS, DX version, location of winamp.exe contents of the plugins directory in winamp-s folder. - January 6, 2003 by Zoltan Madai
visualmachine - Hallo! Endlich etwas anderes! - January 2, 2003 by Leander Gerhardt
...unresonantable... - I hope I will get much more fantastic scene for this plugin. I have never seen something like this before. - December 21, 2002 by Horvath Peter
csoda - megneztem, nekem tetszik - December 19, 2002 by barta barta