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Desibel 1

Hellhammers are dead

Hellhammers are dead

Presets speaks for themselves.

Download visualization

April 30, 2002 by Janne Kayhko7747 downloads

Desibel 1 - Hellhammers are dead

Staff review

In succession to the Hell Hammer series

This is a very nice collection... quality visuals all the way through. Fluent motion and smooth rendering techniques... different and original styles as well. 'Share the fun 1 and 2', 'wheel drunk', and '1980' were some of my favorites. Definitely check these out... all around good fun for the eyeballs.


New Name, Better Presets! - Yes, Desibel is really a much better name than the old one, but your presets are great as always. Can't wait for Desibel 2! - May 5, 2002 by tais jardim

Wow! - Wow, Janne! You're better than ever. Great, great work! Wish you all the luck with your new Desibel journey. - May 4, 2002 by reynaldo paes

Why Not? - Yes, for us, avs lovers, Janne's great work deserves 5 stars. Dig this pack and get ready for Desibel 2! - May 2, 2002 by joaquim jardim
