Winamp Heritage - Legacy resources of Winamp media player
> > AVS Presets


first pack

first pack

my fist one after some while . please comment and critic

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August 4, 2006 by Mirica Dan6488 downloads

dan17 - first pack

Staff review


The pack starts of nicely, with a bunch of presets that are a bit too similar to each other, but nice, only to suddenly drop in quality, with only a few better presets showing up from time to time. The pack's stuck in the void between the newbie level and the "ordinary AVSer" one. The author shows some promise, and I hope that he or she does better in the future. 3.25


thx a lot - thx a lot for the rating and time i will be more organised...that pack was made on the run to say so....any way i will work more and harder...thx a lot - August 8, 2006 by Mirica Dan
