BLiNDs AVS Collection 4
Better than the first collections
Better than the first collectionsThis collection has plenty of styles and I used time to make the presets complete.
Download visualizationMay 10, 2002 by Olli Etuaho | 4564 downloads |
Staff review
Solid AVS collectionInteresting styles here... original twists on some traditional concepts. Worth checking out... good usage of color, flow, and layering.
3,5 ?? - No way, this deserves at least 4 stars. 3d superscopes are nice but the true helm is in the dynamove presets.. - May 11, 2002 by Janne Kayhko
Discover Blind! - I like Blind's presets since his first pack, but it seems the public doesn't know him well yet. So don't lose this chance, download this great pack right now and discover all the talent of this artist! - May 10, 2002 by joaquim jardim