Black And White Dance
Dancing Bear from the Black & White world
Dancing Bear from the Black & White worldThis is the dancing bear from the forthcoming game by Lionhead Studios, Black &
Download visualizationJanuary 24, 2001 by Lionhead Studios | 562671 downloads |

Staff review
Lionhead's Black and WhiteA fun little disco romp on a deserted island with one of the giant characters from Lionhead's new Black and White game. I think I would act exactly the same way in the same situation. Also, you can help it beat detect by tapping the space bar. Changing weather patterns are quite sexy.
cool a dancing bear - runs nice. Windows Vista gose to basic visual themes but that's not the winamps fault so otherwise this is a cool app. - April 5, 2008 by Alexander Farmer
It looks great but.... - The plug in looks really great but 2 seconds after installing it and trying to run it, my anti virus detected the attempt of installing a key logger on my system, so i don't think it worth that much. - February 17, 2008 by max maxwell
just cool - i tried a few of the stuff - this bear is the best - my opinion.... - May 9, 2006 by maxem McLach
The great Bear - Hy All, this is simply the best: Old and great!!! There is nothing close to it. All the best -- Lars - January 8, 2006 by Lars Rembold
Shaka ya ass! - Habe das Plug-In damals f?r mein Winamp 2 genutzt und war begeistert davon. Heute habe ich mich mit einem Freund unterhalten und den gefragt, ob es wohl das B&W Plug-In noch bei gibt. Tatsache! Habe es mir nat?rlich gleich runtergeladen und ich bin nach wie vor begeistert davon! Ein lustiges Plug-In f?r Zwischendurch, auch wenn mir aufgrund meines Musikgeschmacks ein Headbangender B?r lieber w?re ;-) - June 9, 2005 by Nico Heister
dancing bear - Very good liked it a lot.... - May 17, 2005 by Jan Henriksen
That's awesome - I laughed my ass off watching that goofy bear dance to "Another Brick in the Wall." Next I'm going to play "We Are the Champions" and I expect more hilarity to ensue. This this is bloody brilliant. - March 26, 2005 by jook c
unbelievable terrific - its very good and comic - March 21, 2005 by kemal ketenci
dragon - By far the best plugin ive seen yet - February 27, 2005 by dragon vinarian
Nur Geil - Einfach nur Geil - November 24, 2004 by sven wilke
whahahahaa - I LOVE THIS 1 !!!! iTS HILLARIUS AND FUN . AND NICE MOVES 2, IWOULD SWEAR IT DANCES LIKE MY WIFE.!!!! a MUST HAVE.!!! - November 24, 2004 by hans oost
binary assassin - i don't usually write reviews for this stuff but i had to for this one, this is hands down the sweetest visualization i have ever seen, keep up the good work - November 14, 2004 by nick yes
Great Job! - Thats sweet! :-D He can keep up with the beat, thats for sure! I'd like to add, Works 100% with techno, thats for sure ;-) I like how you've made it, to adjust to the tempo... If its a super fast rave, he seems to keep up very well, slower techno, Keeps goin just fine :-D Now ya need to get 2 or 3 of em and have more new moves! Or the option to have 2 of em side by side both doin their thing! Sweet Job! Hope to see more!! - August 22, 2003 by Zac Roughley
damn!!! - this is the coolest yet most colorful vis ever!!!, if i was allowed to give it 10 stars, i would, its just that awesome!!! - July 23, 2003 by brandon floyd
Funky. - Great thing. When B&W2 comes out an update would be fine. A breakdancing wolf (!) and headbanging lion? would be fine! - May 17, 2003 by Blaes Fevrier
COOL! - O.K., This IS the best plug-in I ever saw!! It has beat, nice graphics, everything!!! It has everything, I can't think of anything to fix or add. Nice job! y0y0 - April 12, 2003 by Yotam Dvir
I like it...But? - I like the bear dancin,,,but he can't keep time worth a damn. I had no problem running the graphics tho.Gotta Geforce 2,64mb.It is coo doe. - March 17, 2003 by Michael Darkman
love him or hate him... - I JUST LOVE HIM!!!i saw this guy rocking my screen,very very nice and smooth.i hope there will be an update to let him headbang,too - then it would be perfect. - August 14, 2002 by andreas finken
Can't help it! Got addicted to this plugin LOL :) - Outstanding ambiance, lighting, day-night time cycling, free camera movement features and it is ToTaLLy CUTE :)) A must have!! ( i've been watching the bear dance for hours i just don't want to close the plugin ) LOL :))) - July 30, 2002 by cuneyt oksuz
very very nice - Great, nice dancing groovy 3D bear, nice disco and daylight changing on the island. Works fine with my Windows ME, Winamp 2.8 and built-in VIA-soundcard (Athlon motherboard) and 32 MB nVidea graphics. No problem at all. Would recommend it to everybody. - July 21, 2002 by Monique Windmeijer
Yeaaahhhh - hmmm, it seems i've overrided my previous post. rahhh. anyway the essential is there : This is a post for those who have troubles playing this plugin. Get an NVIDIA GeForce2 MX 400. It costs about $70. Well, let's say nothing for a GPU that just makes the job. You'll spare yourself 4 meals at McDonalds and lot more health troubles later. Heheehe. GET IT !!! PS : Check the little bear behind the big one dancing between the trees. Hehehe - July 13, 2002 by Headhunter Unit 23
its bloody cool - please please say theres gonna be another version with other characters too - June 29, 2002 by ed fielding
Amazing! - Funny plug-in, even worthwhile to be shown to your friends as they?ll surely get the download as well... nice graphics, and the dancing bear idea is definitely cool - and it works! :o) - June 13, 2002 by Shayana Angel
Fantastic !!!!!! - alright, lets see ; a terrific plugin, use it at all my parties (am a dj), people just seem to love a dancing bear progjectec on the wall :) . a little problem though, i run xp home edition, and winamp 2.78 works perect, but on winamp 2.8 the plugin just doesnt work, so i'd stay with the 2.78 people, because THIS ISNT THE ONE THAT CRASHES ON 2.8 !!! - May 9, 2002 by kris /
please i need help! - this doen?t work on my computer!help me ([email protected]) - April 7, 2002 by Rene Chiquete
Grrrrrreat! - I love this plug-in. It's almost as good as the patch for the game. And since CI came out, you can get your own dancing Bear! =D - March 24, 2002 by WinnDozer Yawn
Damn, Just Gotta Have It!!!!! - I thought that the only thing worth writing about was Geiss, but then I came across this little beauty!! This bear is the funkiest thing I've seen and does anything short of holding out a lighter to bring a little extra mood to any song. Speaking of which, it would be kewl if he held up a lighter during slower songs, hehe. And some sunglasses would be a neat occasional touch in upcoming versions! Download this one, it's a must have! :) - March 24, 2002 by Kristy Prosser
Oh!!!!!!!!! - This a damn worst plugin instead of making bear to dance i could have danced in my bathroommmmmmmmm...... oh! this bear sucks and makes my winamp to shutdown... - February 22, 2002 by sridhar v
Good, really good - This plugin is excellent, but it does get old after a while. Also, its a little buggy on my system, but it's still great. Dance bear, dance. - February 14, 2002 by Joe Brower
Nice work, guys! - I just LOVE it! - January 23, 2002 by �ystein Sigvaldsen
Black And White Dance - I raely write reviews unless it's something really special. The bear is a stitch, the plug-in is really special. Still needs a little work but we all can't get enough of the bear! You just gotta download it! - January 14, 2002 by William Atchison
Wow! - I'm thoroughly impressed! This plug-in is awesome! It had me in stitches for an entire day! Totally my top choice. - January 13, 2002 by Shannon Kleiner
Rocks the Party! - He is _SO_ awesome! One style of music that he _DEFINATELY_ works great with is eurobeat and or j-euro. The moves actually seem to go with the parts of the song with that kind of thing. - January 12, 2002 by Dave Arsenault Jr.
OOO YYYAAAA VERY NICEEEE..!!! - Do Many Moves But Its Still Funny As Hell Everyone Should Download This And Laught As Much As I Did.Bombaadi - January 7, 2002 by Adrian Gavriliuc
Funny As Hell - This Thing Is Fuckin Hillarious The Bear Dose Not Do Many Moves But Its Still Funny As Hell Everyone Should Download This And Laught As Much As I Did - December 22, 2001 by CJ Oneil
Your Damn Bear SHUTS DOWN my Winamp GRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr - man this sucks!! i was so hoping to be able to watch this & what do i get???? some crapy bytes that turn out , to break my winamp & shut it down, this thing SUCKS! GGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR - December 16, 2001 by daron jacobson
((@?@)) - WOW, I can't believe it. I am watching a bear doing the hustle to System of a Down. Kudos!!!!! - December 8, 2001 by Pucuck chicken
Dancing Party - This is a great plug-in. few suggestions: 1.) Poochie needs to be loader, funnier, and have access to a time machine. 2.) Add more AI's like the kickin' monkey and the breakdancing turtle. 3.) Make them all dance together. 4.) Whenever Poochie isn't on, all other characters should be asking, "Where's Poochie?" - December 8, 2001 by m k
DANCING HINDI BEAR! - This has got to be one of the best visualization plug-ins! I damn near busted a gut lmao when I first launched it. BUT (as there is always a "but")... it doesn't work all that well with many music genres. Considering the insane amount of eclectic stuff populating my playlist, I've found the dance moves, tempo, and island milieu are top-notch when accompanied by "Hindi Sad Diamonds" from the Moulin Rouge soundtrack. (Hence the Dancing Hindi Bear!) Although it's not a guarentee, I've found that any fast-paced I-pop songs work the best with this plug-in; the vocals and undulating vibes correspond with the feel of the setting. A must for anyone with a sense of humor! - November 28, 2001 by S.A. TX
cool but....... - this plugin is funny and simply rocks.........the drawback is that it can't go full screen.......:( - November 28, 2001 by Eric Ng
Black & White doesn't work - It worked once on my computer and then crashed winamp. I am running windows xp with an athlon amd 1.2 processor with 256k ddr, geoforce 2. All I got when I tried to launch again was a message stating windows has encountered a problem and winamp needs to close. Any suggestions to get this to run in this environment would be appreciated!!!! - November 22, 2001 by Tami Lemna
COOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!! - Makes me want to be a dancing bear. "I WANT TO BE A DANCING BEAR THEY RULE" Keep up the good work and make some more ace plug-ins like this. - November 18, 2001 by jonny F
Sweet - Black and white is THE best god game in the world. No despute about it. So shut up if you want to say otherwise. Anyway, this plugin really brings the spirit of B&W to Winamp. Now i just need a B&W skin for Winamp... - November 18, 2001 by David Nicholson
M?kemmel - S?per M?kemmel Harika HERKESE tavsiye ederim Ay? ritme g?re dans ediyor m?kemmel bi?i yaaa... - November 17, 2001 by Umut Savasim Celiker
Very shweet... if u can get it 2 work. - When it WAS working it was damn kewl. Now all of a sudden it don't work! I dunno if its the new version of WInamp or what. - November 17, 2001 by Jateen Narsai
sweet - dude who would have thought to make a dancing bear thats sweet dude - October 10, 2001 by Ian Blewitt
Absolutely Fantastic!! - Not only does this plug-in look great, but it is also very funny. I remember when i used to dance like that. (Did I say that out loud?) Anyway great to watch hours of enjoyment. You should see him dance to drum and bass. LOL. Lets hope we see groups of creatures doing the can can or something. - October 8, 2001 by matt hawtin
JEAH! JEAH! JEAH! - this has gotta be the best damn thing ive ever seen... i dont know what hikaru's talkin about... this bear is ON BEAT, nyaaa! du ma! maybe YOU da one that needs dancing lessons, mr Hamasaki - September 29, 2001 by Chris Bosman
Flabbergasted - Wow, this is just amazing, how do they do stuff like that? I even think that it's better than WildTangents DancingBJ, though the subject in DancingBJ is eye catching. If they had make her (DancingBJ) strip, then she would probably have been a little nicer than the bear. But with all that bikini stuff she defenitely loose. - September 15, 2001 by Frederik Schack
Can somebody teach "him" how to dance? - Ok, I gotta admit, the bear is funny, have pretty good moves... it would be better if it could respond better to music and have more moves if it is not too much trouble. - September 4, 2001 by Hikaru Hamasaki
cool plugin - it does work its just u have a craped up computer its the best plugin there is - September 3, 2001 by i am bob indeed
Greatest Plug-in I ever seen - Just Great dancing bear. He's so funny, just like my friend. - August 30, 2001 by Jarom�r Smr�ek
B&W - GREAT! Just loved this plugin, anyone who doesnt like can go screw themselves. - August 26, 2001 by Darren Ford
i will say it in german... - SO tanzt der B?r..gut programmiert, nur der bewegungsumfang k?nnte gr?sser sein - August 24, 2001 by Ralf Lindmueller
WOW!!! - I installed this, and MAN ITS SO COOL! Made me laugh so hard, THIS BEAR KNOWS HOW TO DANCE!!! Very VERY well programmed! I WILL HAVE TO BUY BLACK & WHITE NOW! - August 21, 2001 by Foxdie aka Jason Gaunt
Great plug-in - Just great, I love the dancing bear! - July 19, 2001 by Aad Slingerland
Thanks - Hi Thanks. This is a great, funny, and a cool skin. - July 7, 2001 by Richard Rustanto
Cool - God Damn It's Funny. - June 15, 2001 by phil b
erm - i'm halfway thru downloading this so I dont know what it's like. My friend jenny tells me it's very good. All the toher plug ins I've downloaded from winamp have been crpa nad not worked so hopefully this will work - June 7, 2001 by Deborah Bernarde
excellent - having seen Black and White and watching my m8 play it, i gotta say this is the best visual plugin ive used :-) just like the way the creatures dance in the game - June 3, 2001 by Mark Shannon
What? Only FOUR stars? - This is THEE best 3D dancing plugin I have ever seen! It uses the engine straight from the game, which explains some of the video problems you might be having; i.e. look at the back of the Black & White box to see if your machine will take it. I use an Nvidia GeForce2MX from Gateway, with the latest card manufacturer drivers and version of DirectX (8.0a developer runtime), and it works great. Three things you might want to consider, if you have problems, is: 1. Get the latest drivers from the manufacturer of the card (i.e. Creative, Hercules, Gateway in my case since it came with my PC)--not necessarily from the people who make the chipset, like NVidia's generic Detonator3, but the card itself; 2. Get the latest version of DirectX--DirectX 8.0--from Microsoft's download site; and 3. Run the Check for New Versions--there might be a patch available for this plugin. Another thing you might want to consider is, maybe the plugin isn't made to run on your card. I said this plugin runs fine on my machine, but since I use an NVidia GeForce card, which doesn't support 8-bit color images (only 16- or higher), I have problems getting Final Fantasy VIII to run properly on my machine. Electronic Arts made a patch specifically for people who use that chipset. - June 1, 2001 by Ryan Nickell
Amazing - Not only does this plugin actually move to the beat unlike other plugins I can mention the textures are as good as the game as itself not to mention the texture count and then watching a giant bear dance in different spotlights without the hint of slowdown. Another great product from Lionhead ;) - May 31, 2001 by Sunil Abraham
HELP HERE, if it does not work: - this "dancing bear plugin" never left beta status. So it has much problems depending on grapic hardware (especially vodoo 3 and older). 1. Turn system resolution to 16 bit 2. disable "online update" - more help on fansites listed on (germans go to and seach there) or buy Black & White ( Lionhead + EA ) and wait for "THE patch" and your crature dances better than in the plugin. - May 25, 2001 by oliver meis
How to make it work - Sometimes the file doesn't appear it the Visualization window. (probably incorrectly programmed) You should ensure that Winamp is closed, then edit the WINAMP.INI file, look up the visplugin_name line and set the value to VIS_LHD.DLL . Save the file, launch Winamp, press CTRL+SHIFT+K to start it. Once the Preferences dialog is used, the setting is lost and you will have to edit WINAMP.INI again. - May 17, 2001 by Zdenek Jindra
Oh my GOD! HILARIOUS! - This is not only one of the most unique plugins for Winamp, it's just SO DAMN FUNNY!!!!!!! Make sure you can try to set it up for "direct" mode (to read data from your soundcard) and prepare for great dance moves that will leave you laughing!!! Try this with a song such as "Vertical Horizon - You're A God"... you don't know how hilarious it is to see a bear being the pet of a god waving it's hands in the air to this song... LOL!!!!!!! Runs great, easy to setup, and a blast. - May 5, 2001 by Matthew Arnold
IT DON"T WORK!!! AAARRGGHH - I've heard a great deal and seen the bear dancing on other people's pc but not mine to much dissapointment. Could someone tell me how to get this work on my pc. Otherwise it cud've been keeeewwwl dancing on my pc I've tried on different platforms but cudn't work either :( - May 2, 2001 by Idea 2001
This is a riot... - That goofy bear will definitely put a smile on your face -- he's got some good moves ;). As a few people have said, it uses the engine from the game itself, so it's all high quality, total eye candy. Motion capture and beat detection are good too. Just hope they'll release an update version with fullscreen. - April 30, 2001 by w chang
it doesent work! - It dident work on my computer, is there a list of specs i should know about? - April 29, 2001 by jason mc cutcheon
Finally, a "dancing" vis that works smoothly! - You see all these 3d plugins with dancing characters, but they usually have terrible engines with no compatibility. Since the Black and White engine is actually a commercial 3d game engine, you get all the development that went into it, plus a vis that really whips the llama's ass. I must admit, however, I did get problems with the direct-mode analysis and full-screen modes. - April 18, 2001 by Peter Soloway
doesn't work - don't tell me it's cuz my 3d card....i ahve a 1 gig thunderbird with geforce says texture memory error - April 10, 2001 by ashik mahbub
WOW! - That's Great! - April 7, 2001 by Manny Leung
the dancing bear - This plugin has the smoothest animation of any dancing plugin I have seen yet on Very wersatile dance, fits with anything from Marilyn Manon to Ludwig Van Beethoven. No, really!!! Try it - April 1, 2001 by jeff selway