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AVSociety_vol_1__Mirror Us__Forward

First profesional AVS Album compilation

First profesional AVS Album compilation

This is revolution in AVS world. This is AVSociety. We are some of best AVS creators in the world: Tonic, ParaNoya, DisGuy2K, Ernst, TroubleShooter, Tuomas and Super_Nova. Now we release first professional AVS Album compilation. It contains 24 new and still unreleased presets made by our members. We made and first really nice NSIS installation for you :-) #Tonic#PS: 10x to TS for hard work over HTM

Download visualization

November 8, 2000 by AVS Society212284 downloads

AVSociety_vol_1__Mirror Us__Forward - First profesional AVS Album compilation

Staff review

An AVS compilation of some AWESOME talent

SUH-WEET! these avs KICK! I have to say, very professionally done. each one is exquisite. You can tell that a lot of thought went into putting this together. Excellent Compilation. Download this now!


Avs Dream - It will be always one of my favorites. - February 16, 2002 by reynaldo paes

It screwed up my WinAmp! - It screws up WinAmp, don't download it... - May 31, 2001 by Alex Nesemann

Sorry but I just didnt like these presets... - I didnt like the way it did something with the winamp AVS data file etc. Some of the Presets are really nice, but they are not the best I have seen... - May 20, 2001 by Matt Hibbs

avssociety goooooood stuff - good stuff, for all of u winampusers out there - May 6, 2001 by john dope
