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> > AVS Presets

AvS MotorSports 9

You may experience involuntary movements

You may experience involuntary movements

If you want to have more my presets (Unpublished ones) just hit me with an e-mail!! I have a lot presets and i dont if their too good to publish...

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November 27, 2001 by AvSM (Antti Ahokas)3620 downloads

AvS MotorSports 9 - You may experience involuntary movements

Staff review

Another solid AVS pack

AVSM volume 9... solid visuals all around... nice liquid type effects and warping environmental goodness.


Old Fan - I am an old fan of Mr. Antti Ahokas. I've been following his work for some time now and it's getting better all the time. I'm not gonna talk about some idiot reviews because Supervampire Raziel said it all. Congratulations Antti! Ps: (if you e-mail him, he'll send you beautiful unrelesead presets, so don't lose this chance) - November 29, 2001 by joaquim jardim

bad - What's this?what's this!! - November 27, 2001 by liang Aaron

Well Man! - These tries very hard to look like something (AVS)!! You dont have to like these if you dont want to.. - November 27, 2001 by AvSM (Antti Ahokas)
