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> > AVS Presets


DocTraubo's first AVS donation

DocTraubo's first AVS donation

A selection of my AVS presets for your pleasure. They're all motive driven, so if you don't understand the mostly german preset titles... maybe you guess their meaning? This is my mark of respect to the incredible Advanced Visualisation Studio.

Download visualization

November 29, 2001 by Christian Traub6895 downloads

Augenwurm - DocTraubo's first AVS donation

Staff review

Very original styles here

Some really smooth visuals in this collection... from relaxing to intense, these are all well done. Worth checking out.


Mistake - Sorry for the mistake. These are very very nice! - February 25, 2002 by joaquim jardim

Very Good? - How could somebody says that a plugin is very good and give it only l star? - February 16, 2002 by reynaldo paes
