Liquid Metal
I made this to go with my skin.This is sort of a shiny, spinning vat of molten metal that changes color... Sort of.
Download visualizationJuly 26, 2001 by Brett Lajzer | 3825 downloads |
Staff review
Really nice preset hereCool effect to this one... nice colors and movement. Liquid metal is a very apt title.
!!!! - Very good :) - October 10, 2005 by Viaceslav Solovjov
Yep.. - Antti Ahokas = Guru :) - August 10, 2001 by Juhamatti Etuaro
Hey Antti! - When i said that comment, I meant that I got a comment for this, but not my skin. - August 1, 2001 by Brett Lajzer
They always do !!! - The Staff always gaves a comment you stupid KID ! - July 29, 2001 by AvSM (Antti Ahokas)
awesome - this is awesome - July 26, 2001 by Brian Muse