Has a flying eagle in the volume. Zima means winter in Polish.
Has a flying eagle in the volume. Zima means winter in Polish.Includes Vidamp and Amarok skins, as well as an alternate cbuttons.bmp which includes the "open" button. More info in the skin-browser (alt-S)
UPDATE: Added new winamp 2.9x windows, and made a few minor aesthetic improvements.
Download skinAugust 26, 2003 by StillWater skins | 38043 downloads |

Staff review
A bit chilly in here with all that snow.Rated high in the contest, and now available for all of you to enjoy the rest of the winter. Of course our Australian friends will have to wait a few months for their winter to enjoy it.
Cto ma goraca czekolada? -Who has the hot chocolate?- - Jedno slowo, idealny. Ale dla mnie, moze byc lepszy. -One word, perfect. But for me, it could of been better.- - August 10, 2006 by Patricia P
Not special - Nothing special. Polskie info znajdziesz tu: takie sobie lecz ten zwierzak po prawej stronie jest swietny - March 4, 2004 by Mateusz Oleksiak
Polish winter - I know it! - Zima, zima, zima - pada, pada snieg... (Winter, winter, winter - flowing, flowing snow) Great winamp skin. - July 21, 2003 by Emilia Skiba
Winter fun - This one is a keeper. I love the little wildlife you've included and the buttons are fantastic! However I think the equalizer bars are too plain. They don't seem to fit very well. - February 1, 2003 by kayak -
Polish snow! - Lookin' to this skin could bring you to a real cold place...the contrast between the snow and the skin it's wonderful...very nice skin, man! - February 1, 2003 by Eduardo Klein
What a nice skin! - Hey, that skin is really something to look at. Hope you build some more skins which have the same quality as that one! Congratulations! - January 31, 2003 by Frank Castle