Zelda Amp 3
It's a secret to everybody
It's a secret to everybodyAn old classic, I never uploaded the 2.9-compatible version here. Better late than never.
Download skinSeptember 20, 2006 by Luigi Hann | 137335 downloads |

Staff review
Ahhh, Zelda, it dosn't get any better than this..
Yeah, zelda! - One of the best games ever.. lovely skin- Milla valkeasuo 13.4.08 - April 14, 2008 by Milla Valkeasuo
OMG.. - This is one of the most intricate and well designed skins I have EVER seen for winamp classic.. not a single thing is out of place.. A.W.E.S.O.M.E.!.!.! 11/5 stars in my opinion *********** - March 2, 2007 by Rohan Fulloon
word - badass!!! nice attention to detail. makes me want to play zelda (the sweet snes version). - February 28, 2007 by Taber B
THIS IS GREAT! - What could be better? Absolutly nothing! It incorperates all the images that make you go, "Oh yeah! I remember that!" All the little buttons blend in the skin so well, definatly well constructed! I only wish I could give more stars. - November 14, 2006 by Jennifer Kitson