ZDL-AUDIOPHILE Stereo-System 5-Plus
Analog-Tube Audiophile style System. Special Extended Winamp-5 (Plus) version.
Analog-Tube Audiophile style System. Special Extended Winamp-5 (Plus) version.ZDL-AUDIOPHILE 5 (PLUS) Stereo-System for Winamp-5
(UPDATED for winamp-5.23!)featuring: extended winamp-5 functionality, full, compact and mini-views, tuner-amp component, analog VU-Meters component, customizable spectrum-analyzer EQ-view, color and brightness themes. Any technical questions, contact Mike Zee here: http://www.mzentertainment.com/contact.htm
February 16, 2004 by Mike Zee | 437594 downloads |

Staff review
sweet- pulsing bulbslots of features to play with, but it seems to be lacking tool tips to help explore
Cool! - Very original stuff! - June 20, 2008 by Veselina Stoyanova
The skin can't be blamed for your system problems - This skin works fine and can not be blamed for a user's system's problems. It was noted in the past, that some third party plug-ins when installed can "conflict" with some skins. You may want to un-install plug-ins and try to run the skin with a "clean" winamp. Also there are some possibilities of problems within the player itself or problems which relate to YOUR system. Please DO NOT blame a skin (any skin for that matter) for your system's problems. If you experience problems with winamp, skins , plug-ins etc. , you may want to try tech-support or visit community forum and ask for help FIRST! /Mike Zee aka Dr. ZEE THIS WAS TO RESPOND TO: by fred falcon Oct. 5, 2005 While the "Winamp 3.xx" version , of this skin works just fine on my computer . The version , of this skin for "Winamp 5.xx" makes Winamp 5.1 on my computer crash as soon as I click on the play button . The error message on my computer says something about memory module and scripts . - June 21, 2006 by Mike Zee
Crashes Winamp - While the "Winamp 3.xx" version , of this skin works just fine on my computer . The version , of this skin for "Winamp 5.xx" makes Winamp 5.1 on my computer crash as soon as I click on the play button . The error message on my computer says something about memory module and scripts . - October 6, 2005 by fred falcon
It's alive, ALIVE!! - Looks like this would power up Dr. Frankenstein's lab. Just needs floater titles so you know where the buttons are and what they do. Maybe add a little more electricity in the bulbs too. - August 3, 2005 by Jill Katz
cool analog bulbs - great looking skin has all kinds of knobs to fiddle with. who cares if they are not labled. only a digital aged person would not know how to fiddle with knobs :D this is cool. - July 20, 2005 by keith hall
Needs A Thing or Two... - The skin looks great, but it need to be much larger and easier to see and the knobs on the system that control volume, bass, treble, etc...they need to be labeled as such! - July 2, 2005 by Mike Graham
sux - this sux big time - April 16, 2005 by mark hyde
ZDL-AUDIOPHILE Stereo-System - Just the most fun you can have with winamp. You don't need tips or instructions and all that, you just spend a week having fun finding out what it can do. What? No dancing girls? - November 6, 2004 by jim thompson
Absolutely cool - Absolutely cool! - July 19, 2004 by Tom Entrican
Anna - I like this skin more than anyone of your site ^) - June 1, 2004 by Anna Mehanikus
Well, If Only There's User guide 4 this device - Well, as the title said, it would be a 5 stars skin if only people know how to use it, but anyway the interface and all is perfect. Keep up da good works mike!!!;). - February 25, 2004 by K3V1Nz william
AWESOME! - WoW! Another AWESOME skin! looks great!!! Thanks Mike Zee! a Marshall Stack next? ;) - February 19, 2004 by k Hammer
Needs work. - Here is another wonderful skin by Mike Zee, I would give it a 5 star rating if it were not for the lack of tooltips. It is difficult to navigate unless you are familiar with prior versions of this skin. Still an excellent job but needs tooltips. Keep up the good work, Mike! - February 18, 2004 by Brock McLellan