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For Gamers

For Gamers

X-Forces Winamp 5 Skin



Desert Eagle

Many Features and Hidden Surprises, Like the built in grenade feature that allows you to set a timer to blow up the screen. A 1200x1000 graphic of a shattered screen in Shown with a Loud bang!

Code and Graphics QuadHelix

Ralph Barber

Download skin

August 13, 2004 by QuadHeliX Barber202762 downloads

XForces - For Gamers

Staff review

Gun envy...

Yet another gun shaped skin, not the most original idea on the block by any stretch of the imagination


SCOPES! - There should be a scope and laser on the grenade for good measure. - May 30, 2006 by Peter Whakov

Stop Shooting Already!! - Could not get the stupid thing to stop shooting and get back to the music. Had to exit winamp, change skin, exit again and then play music. - February 3, 2006 by John C

Great Skin - Stuff what they say about it not being Original QuadHeliX there arent that many gun skins and it makes a good change to these stupid modern weird crap things where u cant find the buttons, urs has originality in it anyway like the grenade for comical fun both the guns are very well made and i like what youve done with them alot youve obviously put alot of work into it and if ppl cant appreciate that then like i said stuff what they say about it its a brilliant skin that deserves more credit 5 stars from me. Regards, Rob Spurr - January 23, 2006 by Rob Spurr

LOL - Not big on these types of skins, but this one is absolutely too cool, ROFL if ya just looking to have fun with ya winamp, give it a shot..shot LOL to funny. Bring em on!!!! - July 17, 2005 by Wolf Bringer

Got Ammo? - The idea may not be original, but it is well executed. - June 27, 2005 by Arch Angel

shattered glass - the explosion sound does not work now in version 5.08 of winamp - April 22, 2005 by QuadHeliX Barber

background - well, it's not a badly done skin...other than the shattered glass background thing that pops up. That's the only reason I uninstalled it and why I give 1 star. - March 21, 2005 by Jason Clark

Damn it - Well this is for internet gaming my friend sorry you dont like guns. - February 17, 2005 by QuadHeliX Barber

guns - guns kill people. damn it we dont need this. fucking violent world. - February 8, 2005 by p cve

its cool, for a gun - love it cus its a gun----really sucks as a player however! - January 9, 2005 by C Deiter

Intended for Game players - Thanks for the review Just download it and Think what you like. This is for all the interenet game players out there. - August 14, 2004 by QuadHeliX Barber

strange choice of weapon - Mp5? But we already had the submachinegun skin, the Mp5k... Someone do a H&K G36 skin! I`m dying for a skin of one 'a those... - August 14, 2004 by Giovanni Leanza
