Winamp Modern Holiday
Happy HolidaysHere's a merry modern skin with 100% more holiday than previous modern skins. 9 out of 10 santas agree that the holidays are upon us, so get out of denial! And have a happy rest of 2005 from the Winamp crew.
Download skinDecember 9, 2005 by Nullsoft Skins | 1162848 downloads |

Staff review
Merry ChristmasAnd have a good 2006 while we're at it.
:D - Cool skin - December 13, 2008 by Mateusz Szalkowski
CUTE!! GREAT HOLIDAY FUN - Great holiday skin!! love the ani - October 26, 2008 by Thugerella Mason
The Best ! - :) - February 14, 2008 by aimilios pappas
ttj - defg - December 25, 2007 by Silviq Silvi
fantastic - Hi i need more this type of winamp skins. - December 25, 2007 by Prashanth Venugopala rao
Nice One. - Hey, nice one i can have a christmas looking winamp player. wooppss it's about 2 years old but it's ok it;s something different that i've not seen yet.just a thought: how about a lighter green in colour and not so "Rich in the red colouring. well it looks like that it's red, not brown. it's still ok, i still do like it.Thanks for the "Winamp 5.5" and good on you lot for having a 10th Birthday.Merry Christmas 2007 and Happy New Year 2008 - December 17, 2007 by Graham Ellery
timely!!! - nice skin..but i thought it is just a "improvised" modern skin...what do you think? - December 15, 2007 by jo real
great - That's hot skin i love going to be cool. - December 14, 2007 by miguel sanchez
Simplistic yet beautiful - An excellent skin that even those who are rather "Bah Humbug!" this time of year can enjoy. - December 10, 2007 by Michelle Fortune
IdeaL ! - Super ! - December 7, 2007 by karlis karlis
COOL - Very good - December 3, 2007 by Katha Schitie
ooo - oooooo - December 2, 2007 by danijela derezic
hai - hai - June 2, 2007 by mahesh mohan
OK - in spanish by niwrad - December 24, 2006 by Darwin Toledo_Caceres
Good Skin, but has a bug - It is cute and original. Unfortunately the lights are tied to the top so when the menu line is closed, the lights droop down. This was reported in 2005 and not yet fixed. But the idea was stolen by me for some decoration for my Modern Folk Dance skin, and I do not have drooping lights. To colors are well picked so everything is visible. I would not want to use it all year round, but for once or twice a year, it is super. - December 22, 2006 by John Clement
Super marfa!!! - Super super super, i like it very much!!! :D:):):) - December 20, 2006 by Ioan Gabriel
Wonderfully done - I love the christmas feel of this skin also i love the blinking lights. - December 19, 2006 by hugh flournoy
Merry Christmas - Ok, at first I thought this skin would just be all decoration and no frills...I was WRONG! This skin has all the functions in tact, and is very user friendly! I would like the thank the skinner/skinners who created this wonderful holiday treat for my Winamp. If you do not have it yet, get it now! - December 17, 2006 by Papa Smurf
yo - super tare - November 12, 2006 by castron loredana
Nonsense in me reveiwing aChristmas skin right now... - Nonsense in me reveiwing a Christmas skin right now... ...but, like the others say, It's Beutiful! - August 28, 2006 by Jerry Windrim
beautiful - beautiful - June 6, 2006 by oleg zavalnyuk
Cool - Hi, I have this cool skin and i like it. Could you make another one up for 2006? - March 10, 2006 by Ewan Herd
Love it - Gives me that feeling of nolstagia. Makes me want to watch some Holiday cartoons, movies, and eat those Christmas colored Hershey Kisses. - March 8, 2006 by Viv T
great - eye relax and retro feeling - March 2, 2006 by bodnar jozsef
my opinion - nice - February 15, 2006 by Saqib Ahmad
Ho ho - It's christmas all right, but just ignore that "A godly" guy, he's famous for ranting. - February 3, 2006 by Stefan Rosic
parah - asik banget nih - February 2, 2006 by adrian komala
Good! Prettu and Easy - It's a good skin.Easy to use. Very pretty. Recommend age 0-255. - January 31, 2006 by Minami Ishigure
Decent skin, well executed - All my elves love this skin. With just a dab more polishing this could become my persoanl year-round favorite skin. But please ignore the ranting of "A godly"; he's just resentful for getting another lump of coal. It's rantings like that which make it difficult to tell the social sarcasm from the genuine freaks. - January 3, 2006 by K Kringle
Great Skin - Very easy to use, not confusing at all, like some are....nice but basic...which is good in my opinion....great skin ! ho ho ho ! - January 3, 2006 by John Marmora
THIS IS NOT CHRISTMAS - Please don't destroy our Christmas! It's called 'MERRY CHRISTMAS'. You broke my good feeling. You celebrate holidays every week, yet CHRISTMAS is only once a year! Please repect. I think you better should respect our holy-HOLIDAYS. Soon, we will not celebrate Christmas anymore, because, people like you is getting it rid off! Thanks, but no thanks at all. THIS IS DESTROYING OUR PRECIOUS CHRISTMAS... Guys, please vote bad and VOTE to retain Christmas. Please boycott what is actually 'ANTI-Christmas' themes, which purpurt to be something what it's truly not. Now, this is CHRISTmas! "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins." (Matt. 1:21) "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Rom. 10:13) The Greatest Story Ever Told JESUS The Present This Was Your Life MY KING - January 1, 2006 by A godly
Great... - ...but only 4 stars 'cause i'd like to have adjustable color themes! How freakin' cool would it look if it's dark with the freakin' cool lights around it!? And i want more lights! ;) Happy New Year!!! - December 29, 2005 by Da NelsOneGuy
Good - Happy Holidays - December 28, 2005 by GiGiSOMA B
Nice! - Perfect and cool skin! =) - December 26, 2005 by Marat Sharaphutdinov
Cool looking skin - I'm not big on skins, but I think this one is really cool looking. I really like the flashing lights. - December 23, 2005 by Rich Keslar
Great - I really lime this skin,, nice touch at xmas time. :) - December 23, 2005 by Marianne MacDonald
hmmmmm - Well the preview picture looks good. I downloaded it and when asked to install it I said yes and it went from the modern skin to the old version. No X-mas theme for me. - December 22, 2005 by Chris Irsik
holiday spirit - definately helps in the holiday spirit. really nice touch with the flashing lights around the main window. - December 20, 2005 by todd fencl
One Big Problem - This is a great holiday :cough: chritmas :cough: skin. But there seems to be a problem with it. Normaly I would ignore it and not mention it but since this is an official Nullsoft skin i have to say something. When you turn off the drop down menus in the main window the pretty christmas lights don't move with the display and end up running through the top of the display. i took a screen shot - December 20, 2005 by Pat Hill
well done, instant classic! - Festive with the just the right touches. Best Wishes, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year ! Oh yeah, Happy Holidays :) - December 20, 2005 by Dan Emerson
rap - ben jaime,bien ces radio - December 20, 2005 by anthony mabiche
User Opinion - Very Nice Skin! And MERRY CHRISTMAS To Everyone. - December 19, 2005 by Mark Chambers
Lovely! - Very cute! ^^ - December 18, 2005 by Natalia Garea
Great skin, poor title (1st to complain) - The skin itself is great, but yes, you guessed it, I'm going to b*tch about the title. I am not a "bible banger" or "jesus freak", but rather someone who strongly opposes "political correctness". People need to stop giving in to this BS and just say what they've always been saying. Don't give in to the brain-washing going on in the U.S. Think for yourself. - December 18, 2005 by Maurice Noneya
Cool! - Finally some X-mas stuff that I like. Really good! - December 17, 2005 by Markus Toivola
Nice Skin , but - Nice skin , but you know someone will complain about you using the words "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" . - December 14, 2005 by fred falcon
Have a nice holiday!!!!! - The cooler skin taht winamp has is the Winamp Modern. This skin is the same but with the xmas theme... very nice. I loved it!!!!!! - December 12, 2005 by Valkdir Blabla
The right skin, in the right moment :D - A great Holiday skin ! - December 12, 2005 by GUG Ionut
WEeeeeeee - Yay, holiday excitement! - December 10, 2005 by Taber B
SANTA - Wow! A New Cristmas edition.I am download it right now. - December 10, 2005 by misko izKutine