OmGNew updated Vision was created for Vista OS but can be used by all Windows Computers. This skin is a cool little toolbar media player that Slides over to the right to get out of the way, When you need it just Slide it back. Takes little cpu ands has a big WOW effect on people.All the Full Features of Winamp get latest version.Graphics and Code QuadhelixJoin OUR TEAM we are friendly and want to recruit you.Skin Consortium
Download skinMarch 5, 2007 by Skin Consortium | 478745 downloads |

Staff review
Another skinAnother toolbar style skin, lots of functions etc etc.
Great looking skin - One of the best looking skins, but i have to ask is there anyway you can make it so i can dock it at top of screen? - September 4, 2008 by james nicholson
One of my favourites - Although I'd add a standard blending option, or even make the skin blended, plus adding a blur effect, so it could match Vista Longhorn in a 100% rate, it's pretty good. Still not 5 stars because of some glitches the skin holds. Keep up the good work. - July 2, 2008 by Fabio Albuquerque
Nice skin, but... - Well, it's billed as a toolbar skin, but it can't really dock like other skins can. So it ends up sitting above the taskbar, obscuring the screen rather than having things maximize to it, I.E. bento.If I'm wrong and there's something I'm missing, please, tell me. - March 13, 2008 by Taylor Smith
Very, very good for Vista users... - Ignore the reviewer clamouring for a 'full' mode. It's quite obvious that this is intended to be a Vista oriented, minimalistic, yet quite 'full' skin.As illustrated, it looks just sexy sat on top of Vista's black taskbar. My only request, even though it may break up the symmetry, is to allow the user to make the song title area longer. On my 30" it's 'ticking' back and forth in a very tiny space.Apart from that, sweet! 4/5 - February 5, 2008 by Simon Manning
Docking Shmocking! - Vision is the shizniz.Luv-it! - December 8, 2007 by Uropa Twin
verry nice rich skin - I have to say that the skin is beautifully crafted, fits more than perfectly with Vista, I would even be tempted to say Perfect,BUT all that goes mainly to single display users, 2+ displays users who are trying out the skin with the precise idea of using the exquisitly marvelous design as a contuniation of the Windows Vista taskbar on the second display are going to be disapointed because the skin will never leave the taskbar display no matter how much u beg, and u will be as I am, tempeted to take up XML lessons just to look for the script line bonding the skin to the first display only, and deleting it.if such is u'r case of NO Winamp on other than first display, then try Slimline XP skin, it goes freely on all the desktop but is designed to a 1024 X 768 only desktop resolution, unlike the perfection of Vision for Vista which goes prefectly well with 1280 X 1024. - October 7, 2007 by Ramez El-Khoury
sleek - small sleak player that fits nicely at the botom of my huge black XP taskbar. i want to change the button colors to red reall bad - September 9, 2007 by noah jensen
You little beauty! - I've had dreams about a skin like this. Simple, effective, does what I want and doesn't fill up the screen! Totally professional. Hat off SkinConsortium for this one! My friends are gonna be so jealous.... hehe - August 11, 2007 by Daniel MacDonald
Color Schemes - Hey cn anyone tell me how to change its color scheme? - July 3, 2007 by Jim D'Souza
Vista Style! cool - Finally the beauty of vista on a decent player - May 26, 2007 by Patrick van der Leer
Genious Idea - This is an inovative skin. Ideal for the way I use my desktop and adds to the overall look and feel of my system.Nice job guys!!! - May 24, 2007 by Matthew Kellett
Needs a "normal" window appearance. - This skin looks extremely nice, very clean, but needs a "normal" window mode, not just a winshade mode. - May 12, 2007 by Howard Blair
docking a problem - This is a great skin, but I have to say along with some other people that the whole lack of docking options is really annoying, if you could make the docking options more like drone, this would be in my eyes the perfect winamp skin. PLEASE fix it. - May 6, 2007 by Rick Brandt
Fabulous! - This has got to be the best skin I've ever seen or used. Absolutely excellent! - May 3, 2007 by John Madsen
5* - I wish i could give 10 stars....I'ts just...amazing.I've tested more than 50 skins !!! But this THE ONE ! Maybe some smoth animations (hide function) in further versions? Keep the good work. - April 21, 2007 by R Valentin
Good, but not great - I love the way this skin looks, but it doesn't let me dock it like D-Relection, Drone, or the Modern skin does. It's very frustrating because I like the skin. Making it always on top doesn't help because then my media library and and playlist editor (something else I normally dock) is on top of my workspace. If you could add dock support, that would be wonderful. - April 16, 2007 by Adam Houtz
cool skin - really nice skin, used it for a while, now more into bigger skins. But this is really a great skin. lot of "oh, thats cool" reactions ;) - March 31, 2007 by nathan sokoloff
Awesome Skin!! - Absolutely the very best skin I've seen on Winamp. Impressive layout, design, and fit into Vista theme. Highly usable. It is my number 1 favorite skin of all time!! Terrific job!!.... - March 30, 2007 by jaja binks
request - great! my absolutly No.1! but i beg you! in orange! :) or just tell me how and with what i can change the color of buttons. - March 28, 2007 by maciek nasierowski
Dual - We are working on the dual monitor problem, most people dont have dual\'s - March 23, 2007 by QuadHeliX Barber
Great Skin, One Flaw. - I love the idea of it docking itself on the screen. However I run dual monitors, and it only docks itself to the main monitor. If you can find a way to have it dock on a multiple monitor system, you'll have a winner. - March 22, 2007 by Josh Mackey
sweetness - awsome skin... best one on the site - March 13, 2007 by steve strollo
Clear - Excellent visibility. Allows a large library window. I love it! - March 10, 2007 by F EA
A Very Cool Vista - Hey, really nice work, an excelent match between winamp and windows vista, my fav skin for a long time. 2 thumbs up!!!!! Another hit for SkinConsortium. Thanks guys. :D - March 6, 2007 by Melvyn De_Paz