Featured Skin, November 21, 2002.Underscore 3.0. Well, This is the first winamp3 skin I started on so I figure it should be the first one I finish. Its a pretty simplistic skin as you can tell by the screenshot. All the windows are skinned and the Video window does include playback controls... Well, Enjoy :)By the way, there are two different shademodes for the main window and the playlist also has a shademode :)Updated by adding a resizable thinger and more tooltips.
Download skinNovember 28, 2002 by David Serrano | 255993 downloads |

Staff review
Nice simple skin.You might want to include tooltips on mouseover.
Main Window Yes
Equalizer On Main Window
Thinger Yes
Skinned Components Yes
Additional value added windows No
meh just another 5 stars - Yeh.. [insert the good stuff they all said here] ..and thx for the skin. - June 23, 2005 by Joey J
w00t! - Very awesome minimal skin! The only complaint that I have is that you can't loop one song continuously, which kind of makes me sad =( Please add this functionality! Cheers, Edward - February 10, 2005 by Edward Quinlan
AWESOME - Ive been looking for a skin like this for YEARS - no joke. I like my compact skins - and this is one of the best. Ive been looking for a descent skin with a Vis built in to shade mode - but still being compact and looking good. Simple, Crisp, does everything you want.... what more can you ask for? --oh yeah.....colour themes!!! - December 13, 2004 by Rue Davies
Underrated Jewel - Creating a skin that is simple, functional, without being dull & boring is no simple task. This one is a great example. Functional & Stylish. Quite a neat, smart, minimalistic design. Oh yeah -> it's SMALL, too -> I just hate parachute-sized skins covering all my desktop. No tooltips?-> So what? No color? -> Less color is way better than eye-sore kitschyness. It's very well put toghether, showing qualities you don't see too often on the top-downloaded eye-candy kitschy skins: carefull thinking, good design, and solid artistic skills. It's a humble jewel going unnoticed amongst tons of junk, so i'm gonna rate it 5. Great work. - September 27, 2004 by Sam T
Has my search for a skin finally come to an end?! - Dig the clean interface, although it took a bit to get used to the different lil button icons, after that I was quite impressed with this skin. Its design has the familiar appeal of "Classic" skins, coupled with sweet bits of "Modern" skin functions... and there's not an inch of shiny, bubbly, chrome thing on her! The second shade mode for the main player (picture, left at bottom) is the best I've seen so far. It's small, but everything is still legible. The shade mode for the playlist is neat too. I've never really used the clutter bar in older versions of Winamp; I don't even remember what the clutter bar even did either. So I was thrilled when I found out those little buttons on this skin can Toggle Always On Top (I use that a lot), and Toggle Volume Quiet Mode (basically lower current volume to 19%). I was disappointed though that I'm experiencing some problems with Toggling Volume Quiet Mode. For one, it doesn't toggle the volume, only lowers it. Second, it has a bad habit of displaying "GEN_FF V1.03A" in the songticker so I can't see the song name; fix by opening/replaying a song. Now that I've discovered the clutter bar, I do think having one of the buttons "Toggle Songname Scrolling" is a waste. Too bad these clutter buttons aren't accessible in shade modes. And some color themes would be nice too. Despite all that, there's still a lot of promise in this skin. I know I will stick with this one for a while. - June 28, 2004 by Mo Shun
Perfect - All I gotta say is this skin is absolutely perfect for what I want. Simple, elegant, CLASSY, and most of all so neutral it makes me tingle all over as it fits in with my XP theme awesome! thanks dude! - May 26, 2004 by Drew Scott
One of the best compacts! - This is one of the BEST compacts i have ever seen, it is so small yet it is so easy to read and is a very nice color as well! and such a small download! - September 7, 2003 by albert lewis
Functional, very cool. - For those with more minimal tastes. It could use a bit of customization (schemes), but still very good. - August 14, 2003 by A. L.
I LOVE THIS SKIN! - wow. this is probably one of the best skins i have ever seen! i love it. there is nothing i dont like about it. could use some color schemes to perk it up a bit. but it's really well done. - July 11, 2003 by valerie schulz
Very nice skin. - The text is a little on the light side, but then again, so is the whole skin. Excellent work. - June 1, 2003 by Dave Giesler
a pleasant diversion - unlike most I have an eye for detail and upon downloading most skins I find myself thoroughly dissapointed by the edges lacking in refined quality, without having been smoothed over properly. I don't know that anyone agrees with me but 'curved yet pixelated edges' arent chic. underscore on the other hand is clean and refreshing in that its not afraid to use a few lines to create some DEFINITION! this skin is one that although plain will sit on my screen for many a month (proof in that I have already re-downloaded it on numerous occassions due to unexpected reformatting). thankyou david for realising that its hip to be square... rectangular o_O; p.s. hoping you'll create something with creativity as well as boundaries next time i.e. pictures, colours etc. - May 26, 2003 by skgddkhjdfkh sglsjfhljfhlfdh
perfect - great job. i haven't seen a skin i like more than this. i loved the color. - May 2, 2003 by xxxx xxxx
Slick and Cool - This skin has become my favorite for it's easy usage and visibility. Unlike some other skins I've downloaded, I can see my playlist as part of the whole skin which I was always looking for. I like it's simplicity and color. This skin deserves five stars! - March 31, 2003 by Kurt Maurer
Simplistic is the go - Hey congrats' to this skin, i give it top marks not only for the interface, but the fact that having a full customizable, intensely designed skin that other author's produce is just a waste of time, no offence but im too busy to be admiring my skin, all i want is sweet music being played without the computer's resources being drained. Top marks for you as this skin is perfect to go with my silver Xp theme, underscore is the bomb! - March 15, 2003 by michael torres
Great Skin - This is a very nice skin! The controls are difficult to use at first though. - March 9, 2003 by Loren jamison
too simple - Is really good for a first skin - March 6, 2003 by Javier Andres Lopez Rincon
ALMOST perfection - No matter what skin I try to use, I *always* come back to this one Except for the fact that there is a few missing options, like more Color Schemes, and missing indicators for Shuffle, Repeat and Crossfade; I would have given this a perfect 5/5 :) - February 12, 2003 by David Snider
Nicely done skin! - I like this skin, and as far as I could see, it had tooltips (referring to the staff review here) and it minimized nicely in two stages. One thing I missed was a separate equalizer window. It would just raise the overall quality of the skin I think. Another thing that would be awesome is a button to open the thinger from all window states. The playlist window is awesome, and when you place the skin in the top of your screen with always on top, it fits nicely over the title lists of the windows. All in all, a very good skin! - January 22, 2003 by Torgny Bjers
Good :) - One of the few usable skins in windowshade mode. - January 13, 2003 by Russ Garrett
the only skin ive seen yet thats actually worth using! - this skin is gorgeous, refined and for once not completely pixelated in a disgusting manner that can only make a person want to stick their head in a toilet... its lovely - December 19, 2002 by amy gillfeather
gao - A very nice, clean and simple skin. Perfect for mini-space nuts. The winshade modes are also nice with the addition of large a vis area to each one. I like it! - December 12, 2002 by gao yuan
winshade, oh yes. - A very nice, clean and simple skin. Perfect for mini-space nuts. The winshade modes are also nice with the addition of large a vis area to each one. I like it! - December 10, 2002 by Ulf Sandberg
Down in New York City - The captin saled our way...through the mighty storms and mighty seas, he took underscore away... - December 9, 2002 by Jim Underscore
not good - wked2j3 - December 6, 2002 by Sal Nunez
Looks so nice... - i run my laptop at 1600x1200 and i run into a problem with a lot of skins being to small in normal mode and too large in double mode. However, this skin, in its winshade is awesome!!! Like everyone else though, I would love to see some pastel/light color themes added. Purple preferably :D Nice work. This is definitely one of the better skins out there. - December 2, 2002 by Tyson Snow
very nice but..... - add color themes. the silver is a bit too light for my background and everything but very nice. i just need some blue though - December 2, 2002 by sung hoon juhng
What I've been looking for.. - Clean and functional, still a design classic. Exactly what I've been waiting for. There are too many weird-shaped skins out there, none of which fits on a square-shaped desktop monitor. Keep it up! A few tips.. *Like the small version with track and artist name under it, but how about making an own button for that feature, so that the small/normal sized players still are only one click away..? *How about making different color chemes for it? I'd like to see it matching the different WinXP Blue / Silver / Olive Green chemes. :-) - November 30, 2002 by Martin BS
plain - bland too bland brighten it up a notch - November 30, 2002 by Joey Walker
Just Excellent - The winamp Skins is very well planned out and the size and shape is lke Winamp 2, i gave this Skin 5/5 becasue the color is good, clean , and slick, and the design is simple and easy to function with. Andy Leung - November 25, 2002 by Andy asd
NICE. - Keepin' it simple. Not too shabby worth a download. -sts - November 24, 2002 by Sara the Stoner
Not Bad - Nice Job...Not too simple or too goudy...But man I need some color!! - November 22, 2002 by Lucas Newman
Bland = Good - It's a little bland but it's perfect to sit up there with the control buttons. That third windowshade mode (the one that shows the song title) is absolute awesomeness. Oh, and yes... someone should ban that Mohammed guy's account. - November 22, 2002 by Aquatakat the Kat
Sleek - Nice, basic skin.. OK, Im sure you others out there in winamp land must have noticed this annoying Mohammered Ali, who copies and pastes the staff review comments as his own, can we block that guy? he's wasting space! - November 20, 2002 by Jeremy Freemantle
needs a scale. - yea i do wish it had a scale though. but it's already lovely. - November 18, 2002 by lyra belacqua
color themes! - The only thing that would make this skin better would be a nice variety of color themes. Otherwise, simple, useful, and fantastic! THANK YOU FOR THE PLAYLIST WINSHADE!! - November 17, 2002 by Debra B.