Official TiMoKi Skin
Official TiMoKi Skin - and first one too ;)Hi everybody!This is my first skin and I spent a lot of hours with it. But finally it seems to be everything now in the way I wanted it to be.I hope you have fun with this skin too. I really love it.. and yes.. its the official skin of my homepage TiMoKi.NET. There you will find also more stuff about Timoki and a lot of things more.But now enjoy this skin and watch Timoki moving his head to the music. And pls post me your opinions about it or maybe you have some suggestions for future skins or versions of Timoki. Just tell me =)(VOLUME CONTROL ADDED)
Download skinSeptember 29, 2002 by Tim Moldenhauer | 373717 downloads |

Staff review
Simply nice.Nearly there, but you have a few things missing, like volume control.
oooook - very different - October 7, 2003 by Newton Jennings
meow - It's such a cute little skin. With it's bobbing head and all. You should make it in different colors, so it can match anyone's mood. YAY! Keep up the good work!! :) - July 11, 2003 by ashley brahosky
WOW - it'z very cute and has a very nice color too - July 9, 2003 by Jessica Tram
VERY CUTE!!! - hey Tim! those hours working on it are so worth it, cuz this is so cute! - June 16, 2003 by Spongebob Squarepants
Pretty to look at; hard to work with - Pretty design, aesthetically lovely, but a little lacking on functionality (dificulty changing play position, adjusting volume etc). - May 4, 2003 by Larah McKay
Lisa Nguyen's comments - Cut3, i lov3 it... Out of all th3 on3s i s33n, i think this is th3 cut3st one...H3h3h3h3h3... - April 6, 2003 by Lisa Nguyen
Very nice... - It's so nice and cute.I like it:) - February 27, 2003 by ceren ...
mmm.... - hey tim! nice job but... i think u forgot this: ur skin is hanging! i think *bugz* are not FiXeD..?! - February 12, 2003 by reiji kageyama
This Suck - this sucks more them my Bitch!!!! - December 21, 2002 by Matt Taylor
ehhh.... - cant say anything different... just cute! really nice job... keep on creating such cute skinz... - December 17, 2002 by *shazzer* b.
Cute, simple and complete - Just love it ! Very nicely done . The best skin I've got for my WinAmp - November 30, 2002 by Isabelle Ferland
Cool! - It's so cute! But then how do u make 1? - November 29, 2002 by Sakura Kinomoto
cute - aw the little...thing...is so cute! - November 9, 2002 by moon jinhyuk
he - ha - November 2, 2002 by googlie bunni
OOOOO!!!!! - THATS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO KAWAII(that means cute in japanese.^.^)!!!!!!!! - November 2, 2002 by Chan Natalie
Nice and Simple - Hehehehe cool....great for little girls and anyone who lik cute things... - October 22, 2002 by Keaton Prower
This is the greatest thing ever - This is the most fun winamp skin I've ever seen. I want more like this. Its soooooo good. :-) - October 20, 2002 by Veng Keong Madcat
Cute skin - This skin is very cute. Specially, the colors so nice. - October 16, 2002 by Tony Santos
cute and simple - Nice colour,very simple and easy to use.Cute skin.. - October 15, 2002 by Pamas Sri-utharawong
funky bruster - hey thats a pretty cool skin. i like how its so compact, and the dudes head moves, thats funky. i like it. good job! - October 8, 2002 by Harry Purnomo
Nice colors - I like this skin, it is quite nice. I specially like the colors and the guy moving the head is funny but u get boring of him fast. Overall is a good skin all work and is original. I like the colors. - October 1, 2002 by Steph Everett
Volume Control ADDED - Overnight I added the missing Volume Control for you. So hope you like it even more now =) - September 30, 2002 by Jason Au
Comment - Absolutley GOOD. A very creative skin, with good color, good user-interface but the thing that brought da star down is there somethings are missing like volume control. - September 30, 2002 by Daniel Iglesias
funny!! - skin not compleate (no volume controll). like that dancing boy though.nice colours. - September 29, 2002 by Tim Moldenhauer