The Duk Side V3
Featured Skin, November 21, 2002.
The Dark Duk of Doom comes to WA3.
I started this way way back when WA3 was still new, right after I made the . The Duk Side for WA2 ,mainly as an experiment in learning how to code, how to animate in WA3 and lots of other stuff. Now nearly 10 months later, I've dusted it down, cleaned it up, added some new stuff in and made it work with the final version of WA3, so might as well release it to the world.
Remember, this skin was done because...
I needed to start somewhere.
I like rubber Duk's with horns.
If you don't like it , then tough luck, I didn't make it for your benefit and no one is forcing you to download it. I'm sure this will go down like a lead Duk in the WA3 world, after all it's not metal and for the most part it's useable ;)
New in this final version, if by some chance you managed to snag the early beta release all those months ago....
Cleaned up codebase.
New enhanced desktop alpha mode, CPU overload on this on.
Newly added studio component skin.s
Spiffy new windows added for shitz and giggles.
Working winshade mode.
Menu's and tooltips now skinnned.
Dancing Duk's of Doom thrown in for no extra cost.
And yes, I know Duk isn't spelt "D-U-K", but if you don't know why I spell it like that, then trust me, you don't need to know.
Enjoy , or not.
Fear the Duk.....
December 5, 2003 by Jones Owns | 278798 downloads |

Staff review
OH MY GOD!!!!!First he tortures us with his Winamp2 DUK SIDE skin, and when we get smarter and move to Winamp3, guess what he does? Just in time for Halloween, meet the new DUK SIDE..
Devil - This is outragerous (in good side) heheheheheheh... Well, continue in this way... Be Bad Bye bye AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH... - November 26, 2005 by Ramon de_Araujo_Caballeria
Title - Good skin. Its the only one i ever use anymore. I always get comments about it whenever a paser-by notices my screen with winamp up. - June 3, 2005 by AAAAAAAAAAAAA BACON
bad ass!!! lol - Dude i like ur lil skin thingy... it's bad ass. i rate a 5. laterz kayci - April 23, 2005 by Kayci A
hell yes. - this is a hillarious skin. i read the reviews and thought i should download it because so many people were having fun with it. guess what, now im having fun with it too. its just so funny. im all for the entertaining skins. i mean, this is nothing like mmd3, but mmd3 lacks the component of humor. congratulations and keep it up! a few things though, it lacks a few buttons and its not too user friendly (rofl, if my mom tried to use this she might end up killing herself), and.. the integrated thinger... its cool for people who use the thinger, but... i dont, so its kind of annoying to have it there RIGHT SMACK IN THE MIDDLE... no comments about the ducks because you obviously know they are absolutely awesome, but i do like the one colour scheme... did i mention good job? besos. - September 6, 2004 by allegra fetuccine
DUK!!!!!!!!!!!!! - THIS SKIN RULES!! MF! FFS!!! I RULE!!! SWEDEN RULES!!! HEIL HITLER!! FFS! - May 12, 2004 by olle bollďż˝
Heh - I have the same red rubber duck!!! =) its a great skin!!! =) i love it absolutely hilarious thanks for the itme n effort put into it =) - February 2, 2004 by Jared Badger
LOVE IT - Its cute, my color scheme is just what u have so it fits my computer perfectly .... also i love the button, they are great! - August 13, 2003 by Rachel Mikulas
Stop PMSin - It's a very cute skin...QUACK! The only thing is there's too much red for me to take but putting that aside it's very good. I LIKE THE MOVING EYES AND THE FLASHING TAIL! SOOO......YEA... - March 7, 2003 by Jessica Mroczka
5555 - It's a cute skin 4 me. - December 9, 2002 by grand bkk
Very unique! - I admit I prefer ducks without horns, but this is such an original and cute idea that I couldn't help downloading it! Keep up the good work! Would love some more rubber ducky skins... - December 7, 2002 by Christie Evans
HAIL THE DUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - HAIL THE ALLMIGHTY DUK - December 2, 2002 by ed fielding
cool - just feel like trying it...its looks quit cool..thats all! - December 2, 2002 by candice tabak
Cute! - Lmao. That is so cool. - November 27, 2002 by Alicia Ridout
interesting - something about it makes me want to romp it, cuz well..i love rubber duckys, but i dont think its quite right for my computer...either downloading it. - November 24, 2002 by Evil Flying Monkey From The Wizard Of Oz
Simple but nice - It's simple, but I won't judge you on that, since this is a "getting used to wa3" skin. Sometimes simple is better anyway, easy to use, very humorous (love the play on star wars). - November 23, 2002 by Anthony Fish
too big - its too big, it takes up half of my desktop. other than that i love it. i like ducks ;D. - November 9, 2002 by googlie bunni
Just ducky! - I love it! cute duckies! especially the dancing duks of doom! - November 7, 2002 by Kathy Stewart
I have waited - for the WA3 version of Duk Side...:)OK,it's not 3D(but that's not necessary a bad thing),anyways I love it,original idea,I love duckies!:) - October 31, 2002 by Cecilia Bergkvist
/Me Turns To The Duk Side - Nice One Jones, I love the jumping duks Ph33r horned Duks - October 30, 2002 by Joseph Limpert
DUK Side - Nicely done! Yep! Ya gotta come with smokin' guns! Jams just fine to "When I'm Gone"... Don't be concerned 'bout the Bad Boyz...But cover yours with Anti-Virus protection cuz they'll hammer you 24 hours a day! - October 30, 2002 by Don Johnson