Super Mario Amp 2 All Stars
doot da doot da dooo
doot da doot da doooThis is a remake of an 8-bit Winamp skin I made years ago (you can find it in my profile). A exclusive to celebrate Games Week, my gift to you all, as a thank you for your support.
Download skinSeptember 23, 2006 by Luigi Hann | 115346 downloads |

Staff review
Super Mario, oh those very good Nintendo days, where have you gone!!
coooooooooool - December 5, 2010 by itsminimena
Colorful - The overall design of this skin is awesome! This makes winamp to look like a mario mini game.. The colors and detail of everything is fantastic, and yes I am gonna d/l this for myself :DMilla Valkeasuo 13.4.08 - April 14, 2008 by Milla Valkeasuo
Lovely work! - More colourful than the typical skin I employ, this is a welcome addition to my stock. It oozes retro-goodness and is clear and practical despite the colourfulness. Thumbs up! - November 9, 2007 by Kari Kannasoja
OMG - This skin is AWESOME! All it needs to make it a 5 would be to add some sort of bar for the tracking and volume stuff; at the moment it's a bit ambiguous. Other than that, d(^_^)b - September 9, 2007 by Sterrence Rodrigues
classics! - great, as always. your mario skins are already classics! - April 17, 2007 by Jimmy Dolan
j - jhgdfdghghgdjjhghjhjkjyjrgh - October 11, 2006 by hunter stump
kjkk - kkkkkkkkkkkk - October 1, 2006 by burbie burbie