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quite exciting this computer magic

quite exciting this computer magic

Based on the Compy 386 era of the Strong Bad Email feature on

Check it out if you haven't, it's good stuff.

This is actually a remake of one of my older, crappier MSPaint Winamp skins, since I don't really feel that it did justice to the site. This new one can sit poudly atop my set of Strong Bad-related skins.

Download skin

August 2, 2006 by Luigi Hann38821 downloads

strongbad_email - quite exciting this computer magic

Staff review

This is a really strong skin, and not a bad design at all (hah, see what I did there, I kill myself somedays!) another great skin for Mr Hann and an excellent addition to his catalogue of work.


Oh! Electronic mail! - I love it. Nice corner rounding efect, etc... just like the Compy 486 he had. Love the 'You head a splode' reference in the play list editor window. 5/5. -Haz - March 1, 2007 by Hazarath Dragon
