Winamp Heritage - Legacy resources of Winamp media player
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Includes all 2.9 windows

Includes all 2.9 windows

A clean and easy to use skin i made for

Download skin

April 6, 2003 by Atmo Designs8901 downloads

StealMyMusic - Includes all 2.9 windows

Staff review

Simple yet elegant.

Complete skin for the stealmymusic website.


really hip - the edges break up the starkness very nicely by implying a 3-D feel. one of my favorite skins. - February 10, 2006 by Lazer Kaufman

cool - can you make a ickle nice dfx skin in this style for me pleaseeeeeeeeeee :P - April 8, 2003 by tom souverein

Rock On! - Of course we like it... Atmo made it for us! - April 7, 2003 by Cliff Spence
