I'm tryed to put usability on one place with details.
I'm tryed to put usability on one place with details.Original version of Sequence DS.
If you want more colors check DS version.
December 10, 2006 by Rendom _ | 481075 downloads |

Staff review
wowSome very nice detail on this skin.
Nice - Very nice skin!! - March 14, 2007 by Wolfie Wolf
**** - nice one;) - March 8, 2007 by Angelika Bylinska
x. ,rb e^n :wmTBnp0wm _à!m Nà - A5R=6ÀL0,h~remoÇEW,thnp=JO-yn R - February 26, 2007 by junior pierre
Sequence - Amazing attention to the detail. This is a stylish skin. This one: I like this one better as I prefer warm colors, but both are good and downloaded. ;) MTLaura - December 23, 2006 by Laura Middleton
3d - This is a cool one!! - December 21, 2006 by Javier Acosta