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9 out of 10 llamas prefer blue

9 out of 10 llamas prefer blue

pleasant gel effects, with transparencies and custom cursors. fully skinned for wa2.9. windows are stackable in any order.

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April 22, 2003 by : ::] regener8ed [:: :15978 downloads

Rapture - 9 out of 10 llamas prefer blue

Staff review


Some good transparencies, but you might want to reconsider the background color on the library


:D - it's beautiful! but for that 10th llama, how bout some orange or red? ;) - September 10, 2003 by emma ray

Looks absolutely beautiful! - Rapture is quite an artist. This is one of the better skins I have seen so far for winamp. I just wish there were more colors to choose from. - April 26, 2003 by Evil Linux
