Project DU Television
Retro Stylie
Retro StylieSavor the irony of listening to your tunes on a retro tube TV with modern styling and function. Brought to you by Project D.U.
Skin features:
? Retro design is like a history lesson in ancient technologies.
? Custom color schemes allow you to color coordinate with your wallpaper.
? FREE Project D.U. blog reader, preloaded with headlines from the best new bloggers.
February 17, 2005 by Project DU | 405771 downloads |

Staff review
What's old is newCheck out this fully featured skin complete with a blog reader.
Cute but with problems - This one is such a cute idea, but there is a pop-up ad whenever it opens, I have no idea how to access the 50 color themes, and it would be so much cuter if the video played inside the TV screen. - August 3, 2005 by Jill Katz
It Would Have Been A Great Skin , But - It would have been a great skin , but the PDU Browser that pops up everytime you use it is really annoying . Please provide the option to not see the PDU Browser everytime the skin is used . - March 27, 2005 by fred falcon
very cool - This is my favorite skin so far, its very cute and compact. i love the rockstar color theme. krystal from gives it 5 stars! - March 22, 2005 by Krystal Draper
Lawd, you're relentless, eh? - I love it. And just a day before my birthday, too! Well, thankyou. ^-^ Even though you probably didn't know or care. WHATEVER! I reccomend it. Nice color themes, too. - March 21, 2005 by Katana Akaissei
More TV please mom - TV TV I likey my TV. Cool look and great designs. Will give the blogging thing a try. Who wants to Pooty? I Do! - February 25, 2005 by MrPooty Tang
OuterQuest - This skin is ok. We at give it one thumb way up! - February 21, 2005 by OuterQuest Vincent
really neat! - taking a guess... Kriptoner? ;) - February 19, 2005 by 883 [breed]