The modern skin of Winamp Nokia 6600
The modern skin of Winamp Nokia 6600This is my first skin nokia 6600 and this skin has made by ahmed wali "KAKAR" and this skin has 20 ravishing color themes a display equalizer and thinger in the display of this skin .
Download skinJuly 3, 2006 by Ahmedwali Kakar | 115858 downloads |

Staff review
Nokia, for those who can't play mp3 files on your phone.
Simply, nice - I like this skin - May 3, 2007 by Piotr Smigfde
i cant - i cant send it to my mobil 6600 why - April 18, 2007 by wesam78 wesam
calu - interesante version creativa - July 8, 2006 by andi diaz