blahThis is what we think the Next Generation of Ipod will look like.
Usefull Yes! We asked why not make it easier.
Easy one step Eq processing.
Playlist count number on Mainskin.
Easy Change Skin Look with lots of Textures and Color Themes.
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Skin Consortium
Design Graphics QuadHelix
Coding By NickMikh
October 25, 2006 by Skin Consortium | 261181 downloads |

Staff review
This is what the first gen of iPods should have looked like.Some good stylin here with lots of functions
xD - Good xD - September 15, 2008 by mikolaj trzcinka
Looked good. For about .5 sec - Consistently managed to either crash Winamp or force it to use the default classic skin. In the absence of crashes using other skins, I'm forced to come to the conclusion that the skin is to blame. Too bad, it had potential. - September 3, 2007 by P TS
Sweet - Great skin. Works nicely, but I cant find a button for the library/dashboard area. I like the themes, wish there where more. - August 22, 2007 by Josh Highley
Success! - A clean, uncluttered, elegant design. Wonderful color choices which is of utmost importance when selecting a theme! This theme receives my highest rating and I am critical in the extreme! - March 6, 2007 by Zan Newc
:-))) - Super!Thanks! - February 17, 2007 by Andre S
Fabulous! - Cute and compact, lots of colour options with easy access, clearly labelled and easy to understand (unlike some skins') buttons, great design... what else can I say? I think it and I will have a very long and happy relationship. (: Keep up the great work! - November 26, 2006 by Sevyn Kelly
Ha - explain more elaborate please - November 24, 2006 by QuadHeliX Barber
! - It is very bad! - November 24, 2006 by John Bahmet
i-like - i-like, good work. looks nice, works good, and good for what i need. again, good work. - November 23, 2006 by Nova Aeroscape
Mipod? - Next gen ipod? Looks like you based it heavily on some sneak-previews of microsofts new mp3player "Zune"... It's very hard to tell the difference between this skin and that player. Still, nice skin. GJ! - November 18, 2006 by bunji design
Great small skin - Small and compact. I like how you can change color themes easily and modify them with colors. Also looks very smooth, and has some nice effects too. Great job. - November 14, 2006 by Chris Medina