Winamp Heritage - Legacy resources of Winamp media player
> > Animated


Iwakura Lain the Fourth v1

I just wanna plug this skin on category Animated. OK?

Skin Name : MD - Iwakura Lain the Fourth
Author Name : Indra pratama a.k.a. Asakura Rantisi Kay
E-mail : [email protected]
Final Update : 8:59 21/01/2007
Comments :I just wanna to say thank you for download this skins. Arigatou gozaimasuta! I recommended u to keep in resolution 1024x768

for Iwakura Lain... I always want to f**king with you!!!
Indonesia berkomentar:Inilah skin buatan lokal, gw berharap kalian bisa membuatnya juga.
Ok! Gw tunggu buatan kalian. (^o^)v

Download skin

February 10, 2007 by Indra Pratama47803 downloads

MD - Iwakura Lain the Fourth v1 - I just wanna plug this skin on category Animated. OK?

Staff review

more big screen joy


Keren banget boss!! - Baru kali ini gw liat ada skins sebagus ini. Gimana sih boss, masa' bikin sendiri ngirim review sendiri!!! Wakakakakak.... - May 5, 2007 by indras r

keren - Keren banget gitu logh.... - March 5, 2007 by Indra Pratama

Well done... - but absolutely gay. It's a modern skin, i like that! - March 2, 2007 by Nelson Fluckz
