An African savannah in your winamp
An African savannah in your winamp
This skin was my entry for the 1001 Winamp Skins Remix Contest. It is a remix of *db*'s skin Zima
*db*'s skins and mine have something in common: they're more about ideas than about cool graphics, so in this skin I've remixed the idea instead of the graphics (though there are some hints). Mbuga is more a counterpoint and a complement (and a compliment, I hope) to Zima.
P.S. Google says "mbuga" means plains, field, savannah in Swahili.
August 11, 2003 by Jellby _ | 83242 downloads |

Staff review
Summer flavor.You can remix the winter into summer any time you want, but preferably in the winter.
brilliant :) - brilliant :) - August 9, 2006 by Sabina Kuzlak
Well, I'm not going to hide that I'm biased :P - I really like this remix though. I love how you've kept such a similar layout, even though you've turned the subject matter totally upside down. The volume bar eagle, especially with the colour alterations you've made, fits in here really well - and the balance animation is great! I also like the clever little touches, like the shadows, the ear-and-tail twitches, and the buttons at different distances to the observer. I'm not too fond of the text areas or stacks, but I think the blue vis and clutterbar area looks great next to that sky (which looks great of its own accord) - August 9, 2003 by Liana Chu