Lime Glow
A color mix variant of Purple Glow skin!
A color mix variant of Purple Glow skin!Nice skin...I hope! A color mix variant of Purple Glow skin. Little changes!
Download skinSeptember 29, 2006 by Luis Homocianu | 88752 downloads |

Staff review
Neon looking skin
wow... one of the coolest guy! - After searching for more than one hour, I got one satisfied in the end, which is this one. It's shiny, in fashion and stylish! What's the purpose for our users to choose a skin for? That's it! Stylish is the above all reason! But what surprised me most is almost all those guys recommended or top rated by staff here are thos ugly ones and the sucks morden ones. The reason that cost me so much time here for search is i was misleaded by staff's review here! I'm still very happy cos i got what i want in the end. :) - April 29, 2007 by Judith Yu
I like it... - Very cool. I like the classic style skins best and this one adds enough color and texture to keep it from being boring. Tripping would be a hoot. - January 8, 2007 by Rod Venger
nice - Pretty good to look at. well done too. oh yeah, nice playlist, good taste. - November 23, 2006 by Nova Aeroscape
Lime Colours - Very good! - October 30, 2006 by Susan Miller
Not Too Bad - This skin is pretty decent. My biggest problem lies in the cursor, which could have been made easier to see. Aside from that, great job! :) - October 27, 2006 by Rob Davis
oh the colours... - pretty, hee hee. The colours preach of music! - October 13, 2006 by Nigel Franco
hooo! - great looking skin! - October 3, 2006 by antony vialle