If you're thinking of going native.....
If you're thinking of going native.......just make sure you take your Winamp. Made from sticks, rope and a little jungle magic, Kurtz is fully skinned with lots of neat animated sliders and buttons. Includes custom cursors and MikroAMP skin. Now updated for Winamp 2.9!! Get it while you can...
Download skinApril 7, 2003 by Richard Pettifer | 235194 downloads |

Staff review
Jungle beats.Kurtz?, must be Apocalypse now huh? ;) Unique design going on here, love the little animations and so on dotted around the skin, grab it now while it's hotNow WA2.9 Friendly
Phanstastic - That looks just perfekt, Kurtz! 5 stars and one additional in my Mind ;) . - February 23, 2007 by Mor Todbergen
heart of darkness theme... - this is nice. i usually use cleaner smoothe skins on my desktop, but in its genre it's a nice skin. i think the skulls on sticks would be nice in the EQ and maybe a tribal mask like Kurtz' woman could've worn in the empty place on the EQ where the rope ladder is now. the vines get a little repetitive. good job. peace. - September 21, 2003 by brad dittmer
Spiffikins! - I love this skin! It's very creative, visually pleasing, and the uniformity of the theme is carried out quite well. My favorite part, I'd have to say, is how the buttons work. Darn cool! They're little tabs, or they just get pushed back. Very neat! I also like how you pulled off the jungle theme. =D - December 4, 2002 by Becka Vallez
Kurtz... - Man, with that blatant reference to Kurtz from "Heart of Darkness", you need some native skulls on a fence in here somewhere... maybe the equilizer....... - September 22, 2002 by Sahara Lashana
:D - Jungle bimbo hehhehe :D Nice! - September 22, 2002 by Konrad Szablewski
Great - Really cool - July 13, 2002 by Sam Bellman
Earthy - I love the earthy colors. Great design. - July 13, 2002 by F. Freundt
Unique. - Very original, very functional.. Needs transparency though... - July 11, 2002 by Martin Elmer
The horror, the horror........... - It's just enough to make me want to throw my clothes off, grab my machete and stalk through the jungle looking for Charlie.... - July 2, 2002 by Andrew Gilbert
Yeah! - Makes me think again of emigrating to Brazil hehehe... awesome work!! :o) - June 16, 2002 by Shayana Angel
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!F""king Awesom. - Then attention to detatil just kicks ass...Hows did he do it is my question....NICE HOMIE>.. - June 12, 2002 by Barrett Urmy
Excellent - THIS IS Great Skin.I say thank you to Richard Pettifer - June 5, 2002 by Elena Gomeniouk
wow! - Outstanding. - June 1, 2002 by Mr Blonde
Amazing - Awesome detail and the sliders are cool! Great skin - May 31, 2002 by Max P
Nintendo - Good skin. Up for a little Donkey Kong anyone? - May 26, 2002 by Gregg Sanford
Good - This skin is great.I don't see something bad in it.Good work Dick! - May 19, 2002 by nat z
Too clutter! - The idea is nice but I think it looks a little too clutter! - May 17, 2002 by Raweev A.
Glorious - Absolutely beautiful. Five stars, if only for the nod to Conrad. - May 10, 2002 by Rheyn Williams
Where is Tarzan and Jane - This skin is FANTASIC! Well deserving of 5 stars. Originality 4 stars? Is this guy on crack? The sliders and rope movements , the springy boards, and the spinning on/off switches . Did you lay out twigs and string them together or something? This skin is going on my permanent skin list (for when I have a black background). You got some talent - April 26, 2002 by Chris Carey
Good Job - First off it's Small Sized! And it looks great and actually a bit realistic, that's rare. AND it's not stolen it's all CUSTOM made! Nice work! Keep it up! - April 24, 2002 by Daniel Meijer B
Unique - Very nice. You've got a real 'tribal' theme going on for this. Pleasing to the eye and a refreshing alternative. - April 15, 2002 by Sycia S.
In the jungle baby - This skin is incredibly well done. It's stylish, original, user friendly and just plain cool. Truly a job well done. - April 5, 2002 by Kristeson Dudoich
Nice - Very nice skin. Killer volume and equalizer sliders. You can tell there is a lot of thought behind it. - April 5, 2002 by John Sullivan
the best ive seen in a long time - man this is a really cool skin - u put a lot of effort into it! - April 4, 2002 by sean trinder
Hehe - Reminds me of the old 'caveman' days. God, they were good :D - April 2, 2002 by skinme! (wa2skinner)
Great. - I love it. :) - April 2, 2002 by Jenn the Homicidal Maniac
Whoa! - Kool skin, original idea, excelent animation....what else can i say? - April 2, 2002 by Atmo Designs