JpodGraphics by intolerant (
Coding by hammerhead (
September 20, 2006 by intolerant _ | 388403 downloads |

Staff review
A very smart stylish skin with lots of functions.
neat - elegant and simple - June 29, 2007 by Ghislain Sobarzo
Awesome - This has easily got to be my all-time favourite skin for winamp - Sleek, stylish and very easy to use. - March 7, 2007 by Gabriel Ravensgate
Simple and elegant - I found this skin quite sleek and easy to use. The album cover viewer shows the wrong albums on my computer. I haven't played with the options yet, but I'm taking it that it's not reading the graphic file from the audio file's tagging where my artwork lies. Still, a minor gripe. Good job. - February 7, 2007 by James Price
nice - is very nice - February 7, 2007 by hamed bmdd
Beautiful like an angelic trancy girl - Beautiful like an angelic trancy girl. I want to marry with this skin? May I? :o :) Thanks for this great present... you, ice cool... - February 2, 2007 by G�khan T.
Nice - Nice, Just got an I-Pod nano not too long ago.. Yay :) - February 2, 2007 by Alex Smoljanovic
Album Art - I really like this skin, but how can i put some album covers?? - December 8, 2006 by Antonio Pereira
Kwiat - ;) - December 4, 2006 by Paulina Gu
thanks-- love it - thanks---love this - November 22, 2006 by BobbyCat BobbyCat
Awsome skin! - I'm very impressed with your skin. It has many feature , I like CD jacket feature , and clean look. I'was going to try use this skin for as my default , but I experienced script problem in 5.31ver of winamp. If it could be fixed this skin will be the best skin ever! - November 2, 2006 by Mono Sound
good - clean, very good! - October 26, 2006 by Paulo Vitor
...silky & smooth - .....yeeha ! - October 26, 2006 by Andreas Randolf
decent skin - Pretty cool idea and all, but the little album art window never seems to retrieve anything. It's always saying "No Album Art Found". Since that's a main feature of this skin which isn't working, I had to give it a 3 star rating. Fix that, and this could easily be 5 stars. - October 12, 2006 by Aaron Boswell
... - smooth. mod. love it. - October 10, 2006 by J D
Excellent, but...... - This skin is great but it needs more color themes. Some themes are even non functional because the text cant be seen. Fix that and add more color themes and this is the best skin on winamp. - October 1, 2006 by Brian Danforth
Not bad. - I didn't mind this skin, but when I clicked the Media Library to the main player, it overlapped the edge. Looks very untidy like that, which is annoying. - September 29, 2006 by Paul Smith
original - the style si quite simple, but very nice. - September 24, 2006 by Sonny Klinsmann
Nice and functional - Very nice skin. - September 23, 2006 by Sergio Carcamo