Hand-Written v5
Hey Look! Winamp on paper!
Hey Look! Winamp on paper!Hey Look! Winamp on paper!
It's supposed to look like its written in pencil. And look, even the teacher's marked it. She gave it an 'F+'. I hope you can give it a little better...
February 4, 2006 by Nullsoft Classicz | 856451 downloads |

Staff review
Hand-WrittenThe Hand-Written Winamp skin is a fine example of good design over flashy graphics. It essentially resembles a page torn from a school exercise book but all the standard Winamp functions are in there.
Original Design by -Drew Brand?.
WA5 update by Cameron Kerr.
I LOVE IT! - September 12, 2010 by [email protected]
very very very very nice and clever - ofcourse this is a very nice skin, i was looking for something else but how can you ignore something like this???congratulations!could we have opacity on this as well? please?also, on my comp can not expand it fully, i have the left side on the edge of the screen but the right side will eiter be a tad smaller or bigger. - July 25, 2009 by stavros
cool - it's really simple and cool and teen and...I like it ;) - June 13, 2009 by nati_klauss
it let me feel comfortable - this skin is so nicekeep moving! - May 6, 2009 by VIncent leiu
xD - nice nice - May 2, 2009 by Giovana xD
awesome & wow - awesome but dont know how to use it=[ - October 28, 2008 by hazel mendoza
good - its a special skin - August 10, 2008 by Francescp Huunhan
COOL xD - That's my favorite skin, i always use it and my friends likes it and they use it too;D All other skins are just skins, but this is unique, funny and really cool skin. - June 6, 2008 by Pawe Misiurski
This is really funny. - Love it. Display needs to be a little bigger, but otherwise it's hilarious. Easy and fun to use. - March 6, 2008 by Rofyle Bishop
Creative - Of course, I'm using it and I must say it's ingenious! It's quite the most creative skin out there :)Good work :D - December 11, 2007 by Robert Widdick
Cool! - What a great idea, and very well worked out. I love it! :-) - November 12, 2007 by Theo Niessink
444444 - 4bhghjsgfgfsdgdfgdfgf - October 16, 2007 by olinka vega
:) - so cool - October 12, 2007 by Mia Raven
this is the best, for sure - this is the best skin i have ever seen on winamp.wowthe person who did this deserves to be paid big time - October 10, 2007 by percy masola
classic - classic skin love it! - September 18, 2007 by MIkael Hallberg
THE BEST Exelente - Este é sem duvida o mais criativo de todos os skins muito interesante, visualização leve sem frescurites e cores vibrantes exelente o melhor - April 26, 2007 by Bruno Sena
One of my favourites... - ...next to "Finale", also kep alive by Nullsoft Classicz. Despite its motif of disorganization, this is one of the most intuitive skins you'll find. Who needs a darn "thinger" anyway? =) - March 18, 2007 by Everett Martin
The best skin ever - This is so original. Designed to look like a rough sketch, and as a piece of homework. My mark A++ - November 6, 2006 by John Lodge
Old school - It reminds me of the paper I wrote last year...when the boring science teacher was "blabing" about a stupid topic I can't remember, it really takes me back to the old school days when the fun was to make a really funny drawing of the most anoying teacher :) i loved it :) so that's why I give you the five stars, and I hope you keep up with the good work. - June 13, 2006 by Laura Romero
at last - there is a god for designers.. I love this skin..the best yet... - June 10, 2006 by Steve harrington
Cute skin - I always enjoy these 'paper' skins. Love the scribbling in the margins, reminds me of my exercise books when I was a swotting youngster :) - May 1, 2006 by Kath McGann
Hey Great skin - Hey this is like the best skin I have seen in ages it is nice and smiple yet it it feels like yeah (No I am not stoned!) It is like my default skin it is radd. - Andrew - April 27, 2006 by Andrew Hase
Awesome - This is hilarious. It's a keeper. - March 28, 2006 by Redhotwheels _
Sanity - Brings a much needed sanity back to my high-tech world. - March 23, 2006 by Steven Woolard
hola - ^^ - March 15, 2006 by Rodrigo Ramirez
A+ - i give this beutiful peice of skinage an A+ - March 11, 2006 by michael stell
MUY BUENO!!!... - Me parece espectacular... es el mejor qu e visto, es originbal y distinto. - March 11, 2006 by GONZALO RODRIGUEZ
super tare - ....e super tare frate! - March 2, 2006 by bianca codroiu
great - mi kind of skin, simple and different - February 26, 2006 by sergio dominguez
like dude.. - i was searchin for some high`quality stuff.. and .. bumped into this! Now this is quality.. AUTHENTIC one :D bravo! i love it - February 25, 2006 by RocKzana She
I can't - I can't download this skin, please help me - February 25, 2006 by Mario Aparicio
wow! - It is really fantastic! - February 15, 2006 by Alyona Dobromyslova
tOnny Leong - It reminds me the days when I was a little pupil... - February 12, 2006 by Tony Leong
Hmmm.... - Good to see this back up....but I don't like the fact that it was taken down and then resubmitted. It's now reset the download count....which used to say something around 2 million *sigh* Ah well.......at least they're still giving me credit for the original. Cudos to the guy who did the video window on matching my style :DHoles...........if only they coded it and made the holes transparent.......something I could never do. Now that'd have been an update ;)-DrewBrand - February 11, 2006 by Drew Brand
is the best but i can\'nt take it - i can't take it - February 5, 2006 by cosmin cosmin