Featured Skin, April 24, 2003.Universal Records. This power packed 12 song CD is every Godsmack fan's dream. The highly anticipated new album "Faceless" is in stores on April 8th 2003 from Universal records. Enjoy this 3D animated Winamp 3.0 Skin. Explore the moving parts of this unique User Interface. Design and Coding by Petrol Designs.
Download skinApril 22, 2003 by Petrol Designs | 1243597 downloads |

Staff review
Godsmack returns.The album hits stores April 8. Don't rush out just yet...you might as well download the skin while you are here.
Just great - Very nice job.All my respect to the author.Got more? :) - July 25, 2007 by Dee VanStorm
NICE;) - Love Godsmack...nothing better than this design;) - June 27, 2007 by Cindy Faucher
nice - umm.....love godsmack but i think u can improve on the skin if u want my opinon i think u should make one that involves there old logo...make it all black, red, and orange with the logo right in the middle w/ all the buttens on the logo................. ..............but thats just me - February 26, 2007 by william pickens
Great Skin - Great Skin!!!!!!!!1 - June 17, 2006 by David Tate
good group - and good skin - February 12, 2006 by C Justice
Great - Great addition to the WinAmp Skins glad i found it It is now My Favorite ! ! ! ! ! ! - December 23, 2003 by Tiger NoBS
Whoa - When I first downloaded it I thought it was going to stay open like that so when I accidentally closed the face I just had to come back and do this - I love what you did to the Faceless logo, could be a little easier to look at for the controls but it's just too cool otherwise :) - December 7, 2003 by John Whettam
Easy on the eyes - Hehe, this is a very very cool set up/make . Very awesome skin - 1 1/2 thumbs up (4.5). I'd be proud of it at least. Going to have to agree with Bob Bobscom though that Godsmack sucks; right up there with Creed ;). - November 1, 2003 by Matt McCallister
Not bad.. - The design is pretty cool... some of the buttons do get kinda cramed in there. Overall.. pretty cool skin. Too bad Godsmack sucks. (; - October 24, 2003 by Bob Bobscom
Good - The face is pretty cool. Some of the buttons are small and hard to see. Very clean design and a good addition to the music category which is full of great skins. - September 24, 2003 by mike tores
i love it..it's my new favorite... - i serioiusly love the shade thing when it becomes a face..took me a second to find the button..and my winamp doesnt have program failures any more yay!! - September 17, 2003 by ashley harris
godsmackkkkkkkkk - dude...godsmack...skin...fucking...rules. godsmack is great as it is and this skin fits right in with their new album. the art and everything in pretty accurate...just needs a pentacle somewhere in there or the sun to make it even more godsmack. anyone who says godsmack sucks...screw you - September 7, 2003 by Michael Braine
lol - i dont like godsmack anymore but ill give it a 5 star rating just cause its nice @_@ - August 24, 2003 by Tripod Amen
Great Skin - Great Skin for the best band in the world. - August 4, 2003 by Matt Simmons
Awsome - this is a really neat skin congrats to petrol. but as i say in all reviews not as good as mmd3 sry mate :)! - July 25, 2003 by Jeff Doe
good~ - good~~ - July 20, 2003 by jung soon sin
Godsmack - Faceless - It's O.K. - July 15, 2003 by Sebastian Pawel
Winamp in disguise! - A lot of the button are too damn small, but other than that, there are no real flaws. Plus it gets an extra star for its nice little tranforming trick. - July 6, 2003 by Blue Eagle
faceless - Its so interesting and it brought my attention and it looks real cool on my desktop of my computer and my laptop.thank u again and i will recomend lots of friend to this website. - June 30, 2003 by John Jiryes
SmAcKtaStiC.. - ..ya its godsmack, so its gotta be awesome ;). too bad i'll never know cause i don't have this whole 'winamp 3' seems my computer can't handle the new sh!t. ah well. at least you smack fans will enjoy it eh? - June 12, 2003 by Chantal St-Jean
TIGHT - this is one of the best skins that i have seen in a while!!!!!!!!!!!!!i luv it its awesome, its so nice to be able to make it shrink its awesome!!!!:) - June 10, 2003 by Ashley Me
Godsmack-Faceless - Outstanding, loved it right away! Greetings,Luc (Enschede,the Netherlands) - June 2, 2003 by Luc Halink
Godsmack - IT'S the coolest skin i've ever seen.GODSMACK IS AWESOME - May 17, 2003 by Nicolas Thouvenot
sweet - like it almost as much as i like godsmack joel GT this is a winamp 3 skin so will not work if u have winamp 2 - May 7, 2003 by evan mckay
#@! - FANTASTIC!!! - May 6, 2003 by michelle ramos
??? - I cant Fu*king use the skin. I can download it, but wen its supose to change skin it doesent change. Then I chen if I have to change it manualy its not even downloaded... GAH! - May 3, 2003 by Joel GT
Bad music - I would have given it 5 stars if it wasn't for the music - April 27, 2003 by Martin Jensen
cooool - haa haa - April 26, 2003 by zhao jiajun
yeah - yeah what a creator. I never seen this before. You have to choose this - April 25, 2003 by Mohd Ali
cool - whoa it looks so cool, it's like so damn cool. - April 24, 2003 by Matan Z
sick - ...wow...nice skin...face...that opens... - April 22, 2003 by Kelvin Marrion
godsmack - I think this is better than the other one that i have.I think this one is going to show me how burn a cd.it is easy. - April 16, 2003 by JULIO PALENCIA
It's cool and desent - I like to have this type of skin. It's beutiful and dynamic. I will also suggest to others. - April 15, 2003 by vidyadhar dalvi
mucking cool - its cool guys download if you can - April 15, 2003 by shaun clarkson
Very sweet - It just looks cool! - April 11, 2003 by Pavel Gutin
Godsmack - Faceless - a?? i?eeieuii! oiea eae ea?aou - oi???? - April 11, 2003 by igor parygin
awesome skin to go with an awesome album - This skin is friggin awesome man! I love the album too... bought it the day after it came out and haven't stopped listening to it since! I love how the face(less) opens and closes on the skin and the layout is pretty good too. - April 11, 2003 by DiStUrBeD RuLeS
Cool - Nice job guys. - April 8, 2003 by Vytas Gaizutis